Healing naturally


Senior Member
I have no choice in the matter - see my story in the introductions - but even so, I think that I would chose this method even if I could take medications. I just would not want to patch things up any more, after holding borreliosis at bay with a reasonable diet since I contracted it 10 years ago. I was already really sick with mecfs and unable to take medications for a long time developing severe MCS when the bug bit.

My grocery basket always looked much better than the other ones in the queue and up to a year ago my diet was really excellent but it has not stopped the disease, and now, I am fighting for my life.

What I am doing now is to get my body into a healing mode which will repair the damage which includes a nearly destroyed thyroid gland and goodness knows the extent of the rest. I have not had any medical care for a long time - the Lyme was missed and I was just told there was nothing that could be done for the cfs. A national health service might sound good but in practise it is not.

So this is my plan.

1. Gain coinfidence in the ability of the body to heal itself from any condition. People have done it many times you can read their testimonies of coming back from the brink of death.

2. Get in touch with what my body needs to heal. To do this, I believe that it is ideal to strip down to basics and cut out supplements and medications. OK, we cannot all do this, but we can start the process of healing with the hopes that we are coming slowly off them as our health improves. Of course if they are really important we need to be supervised. There are not many conditions that cannot be treated through diet alone. This involves a mindchange. We are destroying our health by popping pills.

One of the ways we can get in touch with what the body needs is by learning to do kinesiology. I watched a practitioner as she gave me a few treatments then I taught myself.


The theory is that a muscle will weaken when it is in the presence of the energy of a food or medicine that the body rejects. Most use the forearm muscle but mine would not work so the kinesiologist used my calf muscle with me lying on my back with the leg bent. So I lie on my back and push the calf on the bent leg slightly and it either gives or holds still. When learning to do this one can place the thing tested on the stomach or hold it.

Often my muscle will not respond when I test it with things that I know it will say no to. Then I just wait and try later. Tiredness affects it.

I can now test regularly which is important for me as my sensitivities change frequently. I can now also ask how much I should take and only have to mention the name of what I am testing. I can only say that experience has confirmed to me that it works.

3. Have a simple diet which is based on raw juices. This is like injecting vitamins and minerals straight into our blood stream and is the biggest and most important thing we can do for ourselves I believe. It is also important to buy a machine that will preserve the enzymes which will bring healing to the body. Fruit and carrots are not so good when one is trying to heal as they are too high in sugars. Green vegetables are the healing products especially wheat grass. There is a mass of information out there on juicers and recipes for healing. Read books by Dr Norman Walker, the world's expert.

4. Eat foods which heal. The Weston A Price Foundation has good advice. Eating natural foods is vital. Bone broth is excellent - thanks dreambirdie!

5. Work on spiritual healing It is so important to be at peace for healing and unforgiveness and anger will retard it. There are many ways to assist this. I am thinking of trying Bach Flower Remedies in case there any remaining hurts in me. One of the ways we stay ill is the way we have been treated by others and especially our families but we must find a way to deal with it. If we have grown uo with idealised ideas about how people are, then serious illness will soon dispel them. The fact is that most people are really messed up and are selfish and hurting people hurt peoople and will put themselves first. We must get out of this cycle and grow spiritually. Finding God is how a lot mange this. My faith has been vital for me.

6. Find something to laugh at regularly If we have a lot fear get counselling.

7. Avoid pollution This means all pollution even toxic people in order to heal. Our home should be as natural as possible with hard floors (but not laminate if possible) We can only do our best with this one. Water comes into it and I have been thinking of getting a distiller.

Once the healing is taking place, then I think that we can trust our bodies to tell us what we need as far as supplements are concerned. And importantly when to start and stop them if they are needed. If we have been taking them indiscriminantly, I believe the body will be confused and if we have been following the advice of doctors without involving our own intuition more. then we need to take back our own power. Of course we can concentrate on one condition to restore us back to where we were before it struck but this is not real healing. Our health is the greatest asset we have and if we look to those as our models who have come back from the brink of death and who have really learned how important our lives are, we can maybe for the first time on our lives know what real health is.

I really do believe that I will heal. If I can then anyone can. I would love to discuss various ideas others have picked up.



Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I am following the healing path you outline. The Gupta program has taught me sooooo much in this area and I have grown exponentiallly....made me more spiritual...will be grateful to Ashok for ever With my new learned breathing pattern, I have managed to reduce my adrenaline, be calmer, which equals me not getting soo tired.

I am not so much hooked up to cures anymore, but just going about my life in calmer way,...one day at a time approach......lots of great meditations to sloooow the body down....drinking the juices....and getting rid of nergy sucking uncaring people. Analysing life in a different way...looking at the Buddist view "... xistence is suffering"...the indispensable prerequisite for the transcendent enlightentment that some call Nirvana and others call God.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
I have no choice in the matter - see my story in the introductions - but even so, I think that I would chose this method even if I could take medications. I just would not want to patch things up any more, after holding borreliosis at bay with a reasonable diet since I contracted it 10 years ago. I was already really sick with mecfs and unable to take medications for a long time developing severe MCS when the bug bit.

My grocery basket always looked much better than the other ones in the queue and up to a year ago my diet was really excellent but it has not stopped the disease, and now, I am fighting for my life.

Brenda, I can see by your post that we believe in some very similar theories.
My shopping basket in the organic fruit/veg shop always looks like a dazzling array of vibrant colours. I rarely buy fresh food in the supermarket. A perfect diet for any one person at any time in their life takes trial & error. Organic fruit/veg (& juices) help enormously.

May I offer a suggestion here (& for everyone else too) Serve your lunch or dinner on the most vibrant coloured plate/bowl you have. You would be amazed how inviting it looks. And emotionally, it is so cheering & uplifting. I eat from either a bright blue or green plate. Salad greens & tomato looks amazing on the bright blue, and my dinner last night of organic steak, steamed purple cabbage, carrots, broccoli & tomato looked like a Van Gogh painting. Actually, that's the most acidic dinner I've had in years, but it was just what I felt like. I am very interested in the acid/akaline mix for chronic pain & inflammation. I was expecting midnight colon pain from that acidic dinner, but it never happened.

What I am doing now is to get my body into a healing mode which will repair the damage which includes a nearly destroyed thyroid gland and goodness knows the extent of the rest. I have not had any medical care for a long time - the Lyme was missed and I was just told there was nothing that could be done for the cfs. A national health service might sound good but in practise it is not.

So this is my plan.

1. Gain coinfidence in the ability of the body to heal itself from any condition. People have done it many times you can read their testimonies of coming back from the brink of death.

I believe that if you can support the immune system well enough, along with some other conditions (see the last paragraph of my Aromatherapy article when Cort puts it up), the body can perform miracles. Believe in this & it can happen.

2. Get in touch with what my body needs to heal. To do this, I believe that it is ideal to strip down to basics and cut out supplements and medications. OK, we cannot all do this, but we can start the process of healing with the hopes that we are coming slowly off them as our health improves. Of course if they are really important we need to be supervised. There are not many conditions that cannot be treated through diet alone. This involves a mindchange. We are destroying our health by popping pills.

I hate drugs of any kind, but have been forced to take them for 3 separate problems which will remain while I continue with a stressful full-time job (this is my theory, even if no one else supports it)

One of the ways we can get in touch with what the body needs is by learning to do kinesiology. I watched a practitioner as she gave me a few treatments then I taught myself.


The theory is that a muscle will weaken when it is in the presence of the energy of a food or medicine that the body rejects. Most use the forearm muscle but mine would not work so the kinesiologist used my calf muscle with me lying on my back with the leg bent. So I lie on my back and push the calf on the bent leg slightly and it either gives or holds still. When learning to do this one can place the thing tested on the stomach or hold it.

Often my muscle will not respond when I test it with things that I know it will say no to. Then I just wait and try later. Tiredness affects it.

thankyou so much for this Kinesiology self use instruction. I am keen to try it out at home. And yes, Tiredness affects my ability to do mediation & walking mediation home from work. It would seem that sometimes I can do it & sometimes not.

I can now test regularly which is important for me as my sensitivities change frequently. I can now also ask how much I should take and only have to mention the name of what I am testing. I can only say that experience has confirmed to me that it works.

3. Have a simple diet which is based on raw juices. This is like injecting vitamins and minerals straight into our blood stream and is the biggest and most important thing we can do for ourselves I believe. It is also important to buy a machine that will preserve the enzymes which will bring healing to the body. Fruit and carrots are not so good when one is trying to heal as they are too high in sugars. Green vegetables are the healing products especially wheat grass. There is a mass of information out there on juicers and recipes for healing. Read books by Dr Norman Walker, the world's expert.

Another thing we share. I used to always refer to my Dr Norman Walker book on juice combinations at one time when I had gall stones. Haven't looked at his juicing book in ages.

4. Eat foods which heal. The Weston A Price Foundation has good advice. Eating natural foods is vital. Bone broth is excellent - thanks dreambirdie!

And yes, I have followed some of the Weston A Price Foundation's advice too.

5. Work on spiritual healing It is so important to be at peace for healing and unforgiveness and anger will retard it. There are many ways to assist this. I am thinking of trying Bach Flower Remedies in case there any remaining hurts in me.
Yes, do try Bach Flower Remedies, I can highly recommend them. You sound the sort of person who is in tune with their body & how it responds, so I'm guessing in saying that you will find them very easy to use.
One of the ways we stay ill is the way we have been treated by others and especially our families but we must find a way to deal with it. If we have grown uo with idealised ideas about how people are, then serious illness will soon dispel them. The fact is that most people are really messed up and are selfish and hurting people hurt peoople and will put themselves first. We must get out of this cycle and grow spiritually. Finding God is how a lot mange this. My faith has been vital for me.

6. Find something to laugh at regularly If we have a lot fear get counselling.

Yes, a good rolling belly laugh is so uplifting & surprisingly helpful in reducing pain. But it can be difficult to find this when you live on your own & work mostly in your own space. Brenda, I can highly recommend (now I've got to remember the name of the Author - see if I put it in the my helpful books blog) A Truckload of Dung written by Ajahn Brahm I think. Abbot of a Buddhist monastery in Perth. His colourful cockney upbringing speaks in the most delightfully, humerous way with his 180? something stories about dealing with difficulties in life. I cannot recommend it highly enough, if you want to inject a bit of humour into your reading. I have read all, or single short chapters, so many times, I am almost beginning to know some of them off by heart.

7. Avoid pollution This means all pollution even toxic people in order to heal. Our home should be as natural as possible with hard floors (but not laminate if possible) We can only do our best with this one. Water comes into it and I have been thinking of getting a distiller.

I've only got filtered water, but even that makes a difference.

Once the healing is taking place, then I think that we can trust our bodies to tell us what we need as far as supplements are concerned. And importantly when to start and stop them if they are needed. If we have been taking them indiscriminantly, I believe the body will be confused and if we have been following the advice of doctors without involving our own intuition more. then we need to take back our own power. Of course we can concentrate on one condition to restore us back to where we were before it struck but this is not real healing. Our health is the greatest asset we have and if we look to those as our models who have come back from the brink of death and who have really learned how important our lives are, we can maybe for the first time on our lives know what real health is.

Another book suggestion here, you might enjoy is in my Helpful Books blog by Rachel Nemen? - a cancer counsellor who has had many debillitating surgeries herself.

I really do believe that I will heal. If I can then anyone can. I would love to discuss various ideas others have picked up.


Yes, the Power of Mind is one of my most successful healers. There are several Buddhist books & Dvd's on my shelf which have been both inspiring & helpful in my own quest for healing - mind, body & spirit - all three are interconnected. Heal all 3 & you've got more than a chance at long life, good health & happiness.

But if you can't heal 100%, at least finding pleasure & joy in what you have will bring positive benefits into your life.



Senior Member
Victoria, BC

Hi, Brenda; I note you have dropped supplements--do you consider a high-alpha whey a supplement, or can you count that as food? There is some evidence that it can be of some help in boosting your own immune system to fight bacteria and viruses--Paul Cheney's small-scale study recorded some improvement for most of the few involved over a 6 month period. Bashing a few invaders might make it easier for your general strategy to have a fighting chance! Or is that too aggressive a metaphor? Good luck in any case, Chris


Senior Member

Great to hear of someone else with the same ideas!

I have just started to do breathing exercises - just deep breathing. It has helped me get back off to sleep. Most of all though I do it beside my open windows in a morning as I air my apartment though not sunbathing now - it seems my body says no to it.

Yes I am not thinking of cures any more - just wholeness and most of all spiritual (the centre of our being) wholeness or what Christians call holiness the theory of which is that God brings us into union to himself through his son or what you called transcendent enlightentment whereby we are given a new nature which has been released from the cycle of suffering and now has a mindset to consider the suffering of persecution etc pure joy - to suffer for his sake and the new nature which has lost its compulsions which have been caused through emotional damage and is now free to do what it choses to do and particularly be free from damaging habits and thought processes so that they are entirely under ones control.


Many thanks, lots of useful tips there - I like the plate idea - mine are black!

On laughter - the body does not know if it is false or real - it just likes it! I remember an incident a year ago when my cell phone accidentally dialed up the police emergency service through being pressed in my pocket and I had a very amusing conversation with a policeman where we were each denying that we had rung one another. It always makes me laugh!

I expect that there will be some damage that is permanent in us all but I don't think that it is impossible for regrowth of organs.

Chris thanks for the tip on high-alpha whey supplement. I will test it! Am off dairy though so i expect it will be a no. I would love to start killing the nasties but in my state of health I cannot deal with the fallout - not yet anyway. I certainly don't mind talking war there! I am not a free feeding station willingly!

I have been able to avoid medications for 10 years despite having infections including, bladder, lung, skin, eyes, blood poisoning from a mosquito bite, and the regular flu's and colds by using natural methods. I am sure that it has stood my immune system in good stead.

At the first sign of the flu I take a whole clove of garlic and I pray - it kills it stone dead. Other infections have been dealt with in various ways including herbs.



Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Hi Brenda,
People with cFS dont realise they over breathe.....I never did. Here is a quote from Dr Sarah Myhill

"Hyperventilation the idea here is that for whatever reason, the patient over-breaths. One cannot increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood this way, so oxygen levels are not increased, but carbon dioxide is washed out. This changes the acidity of the blood in such a way that oxygen sticks more avidly to haemoglobin. So oxygen is not released to the mitochondria where it is required and so mitochondria go slow, so cells go slow and this results in fatigue."
I have done the Buteyko exercises religiously......would take me close to about 3 hrs a day to get them done. Now I have corrected my breathing I am doing Pranayama breathing....about 20 mins a day sometimes 40 mins.

It pays to wake early to get everyhting done.


Senior Member
I love this strategy!

Hi again Brenda,

I commented on another one of your threads before.

To me, this strategy provides so many people a chance to get well. Alot of us read about things we cant get to or afford and it makes us feel more depressed and isolated. The idea of letting go and giving our body a chance to heal is so simple but so perfect. That also doesnt mean just lying around all day eating Cheetos in bed. I have wanted it to be an affordable, simple answer for years. Not just for me, but for everyone. It has been a burning desire and I just keep trying to man handle this disease anyway because I am so desperate!!

Ive stopped reading the posts about doctors and treatments that are out of reach. I am trying to quit all the research because it is all just conflicting anyway. The top CFS docs dont agree on much! I AM happy for those that got well and had the resources to go in that route though.

Think how your life will have changed for the better if you get well through your strategy compared to popping a ton of pills or going in for weekly IV's etc. I dont think that stuff is bad, dont get me wrong. I just think you will come out a "changed for the BETTER" person through this strategy and you have a plan for others to follow that they can live with.

I am doing a few supplements that I cant give up yet. It is hard to let go mentally all at once but I have cut way back. I refuse to be without the BEMER (wrote about it on another thread). I also am continuing my essential oils. I think the BEMER and essential oils are about energy and life force and putting the body in a state to heal though. I am growing sprouts again and plan to grow wheat grass again.

Enough about what I am doing and why... keep up the posts! I think alot of us are fed up with researching and trying and spending and we know deep down that your way is the only way left to go. What if all along it was the right way??



Senior Member
Hi Michelle

Thanks for yiour encouragement. I have just been reading your thread about the Bemer. It is interesting. Glad you found something to help.

Yes, it is depressing to read about treatments that cost a lot. And wondering what to try. I think that it is vital to get the fear and confusion out of our minds and to stop looking outwards to who or what can help us and instead look inside ourselves for answers.

I nearly drove myself crazy worrying about how Lyme was causing damage yet unable to have any treatments and no doctor or therapist to help. I had seen the best but he could not help me nor did he even seem to know how to deal with someone so seriously sick.

I am very sure inside that the way forward is to relax about the whole thing and let the body do the work - giving it the tools of course.

I am having a tough time however, so up and down, one day I feel that healing is starting to happen then the next day I feel that I am too far gone. Symptoms are easing though so that must be a good sign.

If you can get hold of Andreas Moritz's book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvination it is inspiring though he is really into cleanses. I intend to do some one day.

Good luck with your own healing


Senior Member

Thanks again for reminding me about the importance of breathing.


Since I started my healing programme, I think that the thing that has helped me most is my relaxed attitude to it - no panic anymore about who I am going to turn to next, after the latest disappointment of unfulfilled expectations - no worrying about how much money I am going to spend this time, whether I will run out of money, whether the latest doctor is a crook etc etc who is right and who is wrong. I am just totally chilled and can even entertain the possibilty that I am wrong and it is all wishful thinking and the result of Lyme madness :(

I have dropped the B12 as I am testing no to it (kinesiology) I know that ks is not perfect and is about 85% accurate but I keep testing no so I will go with it. Taking huge doses of things is against my philosophy anyway at this point.

The improvements so far are ;

pain in knees has just about ceased
pain in hip is greatly reduced
greatly disabling pain and weakness in both wrists has impoved
clicking of joints is just about gone
deeper sleep and vivid dreams
reduction in size of crop of warts which developed this year
floaters in eyes greatly decreased
dry skin patches clearing
weight slowly reducing despite thyroid
no more sensations of heart distress

Some of these improvements are due to my relaxed attitude, some to kinesiology testing to remove foods etc that are not helping me. I have had to give up a lot of things, like tomatoes which I love. :(

The downside is that I have bad days when I feel lousy and even start to think that it is all wishful thinking, but I expect that is to be expected. After a bad day or two I feel even better the next so it must be detox.

If I were to get the same results from a doctor I would be thrilled and think he is marvellous! It is so encouraging to think that it is all self help - oh with a lot of help from my higher power.

I really do hope not just for my sake that it is working, but for others who do not have the resources to go on the treatments available. I hope that it will give them hope for themselves. I don't know whether the psychological aspects must be in place first so that healing can take place it has certainly been important for me - I feel that the time is right whereas before there were issues I had to work through and emotional healing that needed to resolve.

But I hope it gives others the hope that they are must just to sit as victims until someone comes up with a foolproof treatment and a big daddy arrives :D but they can do positive things themselves to enable healing to start.

Healing to you all


Senior Member
Central Texas
Brenda healing naturally

Hi, Brenda,

I've been reading this thread for a while, and feel there is much of value for me.

I had some savings when I got sick and I really got into the "try this, try that," mode. For me, it was a feeling of something that I could do, and it is kind of like an addiction.

Hardly anyone has enough money to keep on this path. But even if we did, the fear reaction and the attempt to control the situation could get in the way of healing. For me, they are very stressful.

Do you know the "sway test" for kinesiology? You need to be well-hydrated for any of it to work well. You hold the substance next to your chest and close your eyes. (For those with orthostatic intolerance, Never Mind!) If you sway forward, it's a "yes," backward is a "no." I also use a pendulum.

It's strange but sometimes I can have something and other times no to the same thing later in the day. I do take vitamins and minerals, and that can affect the answer.

However, even some minerals can even be harmful as they are inorganic and they block the receptors. I think we need some way to test up-to-the-minute.

A friend of mine just uses the energy she feels from something. I do this with homeopathic remedies or Bach flower remedies. Just close your eyes and pass your hand above the different things. You can feel strong energy sometimes. Let me know if you've tried this.

Maybe a big part of this is remembering that "Everything matters." I try to listen in the grocery store. It's a good way to be in the minute and open to guidance.

Whether we "get well," according to the common definition of working 40 hours per week and having an active life outside of work, or whether we just heal, those can be two different things. Sorry I can't explain well what I am trying to say.

Healing has to start from accepting where we are, rather than being caught in resistance of some kind. Even my mind can see this.

A friend told me about Asking for healing. At first I thought that was wrong somehow, selfish. But now, when I'm lying in bed unable to get comfortable, I pray for healing. I sense the energy in my body. I'm sure you do this already, but I had a hard time asking for help. Maybe we must do this "Knock and it shall be opened," rather than just assume that if it's supposed to be there, it would be there.

Well, I have a hard time talking about this. I'm glad for your experience.

Thank you!

PS Some people have a lot less pain if they avoid foods in the nightshade family. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers are some. A couple of people have told me it makes a big difference. I haven't been able to give these things up, but suspect it would help:eek:


Senior Member
A friend told me about Asking for healing. At first I thought that was wrong somehow, selfish. But now, when I'm lying in bed unable to get comfortable, I pray for healing. I sense the energy in my body. I'm sure you do this already, but I had a hard time asking for help. Maybe we must do this "Knock and it shall be opened," rather than just assume that if it's supposed to be there, it would be there.

Well, I have a hard time talking about this. I'm glad for your experience.


You do a much better job of expressing these things than you give yourself credit for. You may feel like you are groping for the words (I know that feeling) but you must be groping for the right ones :) because it comes through just fine.

Why do you think it is selfish to ask for healing?


work in progress
N. California
Healing has to start from accepting where we are, rather than being caught in resistance of some kind. Even my mind can see this.


This is my experience too.

Being willing to accept where I am at, at any given moment, has been one of my biggest, if not THE biggest, challenges and obstacles in my healing process. It is very easy to get frustrated and annoyed with all the assorted symptoms and maladies presented by CFS, but unfortunately wanting to be "OVER" them puts me in the mind space of resistance, which only makes my symptoms worse. As in.... that which you resist will definitely persist.

The only way out has been through, for me that is the truth. As hard as it always is, I have to be willing to go into the core of what I am feeling (whether this be a physical symptom or an uncomfortable emotion), to embrace it, and to investigate it. Just the WILLINGNESS to do this relieves me of a lot of the stress and tension of the resistance--which only serves to "feed the beast" of the pain. So incredibly ironically, once I ALLOW myself to feel what I usually dread feeling, (like pain or exhaustion or irritation with my condition), it almost always diminishes in its intensity and becomes much less of an issue. Go figure. :)


Senior Member

the fear reaction and the attempt to control the situation could get in the way of healing.

Yes that is so true and the trap I was in before. I really did not see how it was sucking my psychic energy dry. We must learn to love our illness. I know that sounds weird and when I read it from Andreas Moritz I did not want to accept it but eventually I have.

Healing has to start from accepting where we are, rather than being caught in resistance of some kind. Even my mind can see this.

So its a step up from this I think - not impossible! I have lost so much to my illness that it was hard to get my head around it but it can be done. I have lost all of my life, but I really think it is coming to me now. I don't think that I will just be better - I know that I will be better than ever before - the final state does not matter to me but I know that it will be a satisfying existence. I am not putting any limits on it - it does not really matter. 111 stage Lyme is as bad as it gets - well apart from stage 1V - I don't know if I am in stage 1V or not and it does not matter really.

I have prayed for my healing and I think that it is good to do so. And now I am content to see what happens. I am ready to die too - so no stress.

I have not heard of the sway test but thanks for that - it would be useful to know what to buy when shopping. That's a good tip about being hydrated - I will watch for that.

One of the amazing things for me at the moment is that I have been much stricter in my diet before yet did not get the same healing response that I have now.

wishing you healing


Senior Member

I had a bad week last week, having bought some Kombucha which mobilised mercury and left me feeling desperate for a few days. But back to nornal now. Well not normal but you know what I mean.

I have been having more symptoms that I have not had for years, and they do not last long but are strange. I was caughing a lot for a few days and felt like something was in my lungs. This went back quite a few years. Other weird things but they do not last long. It feels like my immune system is waking up and going through its memory banks. I am just guessing.

Some more improvements. I had some dry skin patches and they have cleared. I am not taking omega 3 iols so I guess it must be my thyroid working better. This will be amazing if it is as I was diagnosed with Hashi's ten years ago with very high anti-bodies and nothing has been done, no thyroid meds.

I started taking rosemary after reading that it protects the brain and over these last few days there has been a definite improvement in clarity of thought. I feel better mentally too. I just chew a few leaves daily. It is the only thing I am taking, I cut out all supplements and was on no meds as I cannot take them due to severe mcs.

I have my juice every day and today and cut out wheat yesterday, but the diet is still not perfect yet, in fact it is far less strict than it has been in the past and when I was having little/no healing. I have cut out all the things that I tested as bad with my muscle. It is pretty healthy but I still have a treat like a very tiny piece of choccie once a week. Breakfast is pretty good though with whole oats done in the crockpot, kefir and maple syrup. I love it.

I am more and more sure that I am going to heal significantly and am feeling pretty chuffed that it is not costing me anything, just faith in my body's ability to come back from death's door. My heart is feeling better and better and sleep is good. No pain now in joints which for late Lyme is a miracle.

I feel that it is working.



Senior Member

I'm glad to hear things are getting better.

I know that you are very ill, and so I find a sense of surprise that when I read your posts on this thread I get a feeling of great ... peace.

I can only assume that is coming from ... you? :)


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia

this all sounds very positive indeed.

I hope you can keep it up.

Whatever you do, it's important to consume/treat what's right for you.

You seem to have an amazing store of knowledge which I really admire.

The power of mind is vital. Positive mind makes for positive energy.

Believe in the body's ability to heal itself & wake each day with positive affirmations.



Senior Member
Hi Jody

Thanks so much for your reply and encouragement.

I am feeling great peace, as you say, and it is amazing that it is coming across so that you can pick it up.

Every day it gets stronger and I get more sure that I really am healing. I found this


which explains why hope is so important. I have been without hope for such a long time - I really did not think it possible that I could heal. I thought that psychologically I could not deal with any more dietary resrictions as it seemed that having my 'little treats' was all that kept me going - my bar of chocolate and cup of coffee, and I had had little success before on strict diets and a lot of people said that diet was not that important. And actually it is only a factor and without the other things I would not be healing.

I am wondering if I should stop writing now, as it is becoming more obvious that it is actully in a miracle league that I am healing, even the fact that I am able to regulate my eating to avoid what is harmful and an awful lot is harmful to me at present.

I am more and more sure that it is divine intervention that is bringing about this healing but using the natural way rather then a sudden way. Because of this, I assume it will only be of interest for other Christians here and I don't want to give the impression that if you follow the steps I laid out it will happen for you. Of course I hope that others will have hope that it does not have to involve large sums of money or loads of medications. But every factor must be in place, and for me the trigger was recovery, again through divine help, of the trauma I have been through when I had to leave my home 6 years ago and my sons blamed me for their fathers decisions.

Every person can do this though and God is there to help all but there is a condition and that is in absolute surrender to His rule in our lives which He has the right to as He made us. To most that sounds like a tyrannt but it is actually freeing and He will heal us body mind and spirit if we will turn to Him.

Our sin is living our lives our own way and I got into a big mess doing that with my environmental exposures and infections from having a defunct immune system and I went my merry way in life doing what I wanted, and God has had to do a lot of repair work in me due to this and has only now been able to get down to the physical healing as I disobeyed scripture in marrying an unbeliever, and God was right - it was bad for me.

My life has been in His hands now for some time and will continue to be with great gratitude for the healing He is doing and giving me a second chance. I will only continue now on this line if there is a request.

I really do hope and pray for healing for everyone here.

God bless

Thanks Victoria just seen yours.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
If you can get hold of Andreas Moritz's book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvination it is inspiring though he is really into cleanses. I intend to do some one day.


Hi Brenda, I just discovered Andreas Moritz's work this past week, which has me focusing on liver/gallbladder health. I'm currently doing a lot of things for my liver/gallbladder, but have not yet done one of the cleanses. I was wondering if you ever did do any of the cleanses he prescribes, and what your results have been. Thanks for any reply (if you have the energy for it). :)

Best, Wayne

I watched a 40-minute video of Andreas Moritz entitled, "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush". At the 22:00 minute mark, he clearly describes the connection between liver/gallbladder health, and its effect on the lymphatic system. Thought I'd post this link in case you might be interested.
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Senior Member
Thanks Wayne. Wow it was interesting to see this thread again and rather depressing to see how well l was doing four years ago before a major international move then two more moves needed to get somewhere suitable. I did expect a set back but it has been pretty severe at times especially with my brain function and depression.

Since then also, l had problems with folates, due l now understand to depleting my b12 so l had to stop the juices but should have just started on b12. Knowing my polymorphism now, l could not just let nature take its course.

I did not do the liver flushes after researching colonic cleanses and feeling that the toxin release might be too much for me. I cannot take milk thistle so use dandelion extract and my diet is better in that l use no bad fats.

Thanks again for linking me to this thread - plenty to think over :)
