Headaches when walking


  • Feels like my head is in a vice and my brain is being crushed.
When you wrote this, I immediately thought that it was the perfect description for this weird feeling in my head that I get...only I get it when I lay down on my stomach! If I lie on my side or my back, I don't get this (nor do I get it from exercise). However, almost every time I lie on my stomach (like if I want to watch TV in bed), I get a feeling like my head is in a vice, there is intense pressure, and it almost feels like I'm underwater, my hearing/sensory perception is really weird. If I ignore it, within a few minutes it slowly fades away, but it's usually so uncomfortable that I can't wait it out and I have to change positions.

What I have sounds like it's probably completely different from what you get, but your description was so perfect - now I have a way to describe what it's like, thank you :)

I don't suppose anyone else has had such a strange feeling from lying on their stomach?


Senior Member
@Basilico I feel that pressure in the head when I lay on my stomach. How intense it feels depends on how bad a flare it is. In my severe years I used to experience a strong pulse at the back of my neck, it was always a sign I was in for a bad PEM and I really tried hard to rest aggressively, to help lessen further PEM on top.

Just to add, though, my head pressure was terrible all the time in my sickest years. Not just when I lay down but upright I had to move my head so slowly to turn sideways. My head felt heavy and swollen with water or something, hard to describe. Like you said it felt like being under water.. the senses were affected, hearing, slow to react to visual and information processing because of the thick heavy feeling inside the head.
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