having a lot of relief from my cfs symptoms


Senior Member
You never tried any antivirals or immune modulators? Most of the things you tried are "alternative medicine". Maybe that was the wrong area to keep trying things in, especially when today we have a choice.

Much of my money in the early days (pre-antivirals) was spent on complementary medicine so I know how expensive this is and in my case futile.
Haven't been too lucky with mainstream medicine. It's complicated. However, I'll go online and do some search on the topics you mentioned. Thanks.
You never tried any antivirals or immune modulators? Most of the things you tried are "alternative medicine". Maybe that was the wrong area to keep trying things in, especially when today we have a choice.

Much of my money in the early days (pre-antivirals) was spent on complementary medicine so I know how expensive this is and in my case futile.

Those might have helped...


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Sounds interesting. Im always on the new out for new things which could be trialed. I'd be interested to hear from anyone else on this site who tries this and if it seems to help any. I suggest to edit your first post and put the name of the drops in that as it wasnt mentioned what the drops were in that post.
ok just for kicks here is a list of what I've tried:

70 chiropractic adjustments
2 iv ozone therapies followed by iv B12
6 prolotherapies
5 trinfinity 8 sessions
1 atlas profilax adjustment
msm, SAMe, vit C, iron, colostrum, magnesium, vit D, Omega 369, dig enzymes, l-glutamine
Dr. McCombs Candida cleanse
diy Fecal transplant
probiotic retention enema
tramacet (i would take this during my pms time just so i could walk)
infrared sauna
infrared heating pad
energy healings
therapuetic massage
binurial beats (holosync etc)
hemp powder
gluten free diet
high protein diet
hatha yoga, meditation and prayer

i think that's it...

Maybe you should've wrote the ones you didn't try. The list would've been shorter. :) I see quite a bit of them that I have tried. Not to mention items that I purchased on the long run. I bought a colon irrigation machine about 20 years ago. I had an obstruction that modern medicine could not get out. That alone saved my life. I bought a Longevity ozone generator but by the looks of it, I'm not ready for it yet. Wonder if the autohemotherapy you took by i.v. is more gentle. A colloidal silver generator helped me with the g.i. pains but now they have quality colloidals on the market. You are ahead of me on a few methods that I was looking into that I haven't done yet. If you had the time, I would be interested in possibly asking you a few questions about them.
Sounds interesting. Im always on the new out for new things which could be trialed. I'd be interested to hear from anyone else on this site who tries this and if it seems to help any. I suggest to edit your first post and put the name of the drops in that as it wasnt mentioned what the drops were in that post.

yeah that would be very interesting
Maybe you should've wrote the ones you didn't try. The list would've been shorter. :) I see quite a bit of them that I have tried. Not to mention items that I purchased on the long run. I bought a colon irrigation machine about 20 years ago. I had an obstruction that modern medicine could not get out. That alone saved my life. I bought a Longevity ozone generator but by the looks of it, I'm not ready for it yet. Wonder if the autohemotherapy you took by i.v. is more gentle. A colloidal silver generator helped me with the g.i. pains but now they have quality colloidals on the market. You are ahead of me on a few methods that I was looking into that I haven't done yet. If you had the time, I would be interested in possibly asking you a few questions about them.

sure, ask away!


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
I've been following the development of RnA Drops since I first heard about them. For those of you who are confused, these are not the same RNA drops sold by Dr. Amy Yasko. Americanrealist is referring to a product called RnA Drops sold at this website: http://www.rnadrops.info/

Much of the marketing for this compound has been done by Dr. Carolyn Dean and her husband Bob Dobbs (who has a somewhat shifty history). They used to do a radio show with a man they called JW, and this man would channel a multi-dimensional entity called iON. People would call in and ask questions, and iON would give advice and answer questions about the universe.

iON gave the formula for RnA Drops to the man who is currently manufacturing them. He used to sell bodybuilding supplements, if I remember correctly. Supposedly the RnA Drops reprogram our RNA to their original design, essentially "resetting" our body.

One day JW disappeared, and iON stopped coming on the radio show. Some people think that JW was in fact Jeffrey Wallace Edwards, a man from Bremen, Georgia, who was arrested for investment fraud.

So basically... RnA Drops are some sort of sprouted barley extract invented by a multi-dimensional entity called iON who spoke through a man named JW, who might be in jail right now.

That being said, I"m glad that Americanrealist has seen results from taking them, and I'm still thinking about trying them sometime.
Maybe you should've wrote the ones you didn't try. The list would've been shorter. :) I see quite a bit of them that I have tried. Not to mention items that I purchased on the long run. I bought a colon irrigation machine about 20 years ago. I had an obstruction that modern medicine could not get out. That alone saved my life. I bought a Longevity ozone generator but by the looks of it, I'm not ready for it yet. Wonder if the autohemotherapy you took by i.v. is more gentle. A colloidal silver generator helped me with the g.i. pains but now they have quality colloidals on the market. You are ahead of me on a few methods that I was looking into that I haven't done yet. If you had the time, I would be interested in possibly asking you a few questions about them.
Sorry for the delay. Re: Your infrared heating pad. As much as individuals can't compare results, how did you do with it? Some years ago, I was thinking of purchasing one from Dr.Wolf's clinic in B.C. Think it emits enough emf's to be concerned about? I imagine one can cover it if it is too strong? Did you experience die off /Herx reaction? I didn't do well with the Holosync did you notice a difference? How about energy healing, are you talking about Reiki maybe EFT? I've read about diy probiotics about the Australian chiro about 5 years ago. Some questions I was curious abut but guess I won't ask you the details about it here. I'll have to go online for prolotherapies and gabapentin. I've never taken a FIR sauna, my next one in line. I think I will avoid cedar or woods with oil. Any idea which types of wood or brand you tried or does it matter with you? From what I am reading, the FIR is one of the favorites for the sensitive. Did you have any luck with it. The only probiotic I can take is Customs Probiotics ( HS). Do you have a prefered probiotic? I've yet to take a homeopathy that agrees with me. I'll take a look at the drops you mentioned.


Senior Member
New Mexico
I've been following the development of RnA Drops since I first heard about them. For those of you who are confused, these are not the same RNA drops sold by Dr. Amy Yasko. Americanrealist is referring to a product called RnA Drops sold at this website: http://www.rnadrops.info/

Much of the marketing for this compound has been done by Dr. Carolyn Dean and her husband Bob Dobbs (who has a somewhat shifty history). They used to do a radio show with a man they called JW, and this man would channel a multi-dimensional entity called iON. People would call in and ask questions, and iON would give advice and answer questions about the universe.

iON gave the formula for RnA Drops to the man who is currently manufacturing them. He used to sell bodybuilding supplements, if I remember correctly. Supposedly the RnA Drops reprogram our RNA to their original design, essentially "resetting" our body.

One day JW disappeared, and iON stopped coming on the radio show. Some people think that JW was in fact Jeffrey Wallace Edwards, a man from Bremen, Georgia, who was arrested for investment fraud.

So basically... RnA Drops are some sort of sprouted barley extract invented by a multi-dimensional entity called iON who spoke through a man named JW, who might be in jail right now.

That being said, I"m glad that Americanrealist has seen results from taking them, and I'm still thinking about trying them sometime.

No wonder I had a hard time trying to figure out what ma icell drops were. As open minded as I am I have a hard time with this after going to the website and listening to this iON character.................however like invisiblejungle, I'm glad it is working for Americanrealist


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Hi Guys
I had Hep C and cleared it with 48 weeks of interferon/ribavirn combination treatment back in 99. I was ill prior to interferon - say what you like, Hep C can make you very poorly indeed - and I was able to function well for years after treatment, although I always had some issues with fatigue. I became ill with ME six or seven years ago, full-on four years. I now know personally a sub-set of treated Hep C patients who have cleared the virus, but gone on to develop long term issues with auto-immune disease or inflamatory processes or ME. I have never regretted doing interferon, but it has made me respectful of what the longer term results of powerful anti-viral drugs can be.


Senior Member
Northern Ca. USA
Hi Guys
I had Hep C and cleared it with 48 weeks of interferon/ribavirn combination treatment back in 99. I was ill prior to interferon - say what you like, Hep C can make you very poorly indeed - and I was able to function well for years after treatment, although I always had some issues with fatigue. I became ill with ME six or seven years ago, full-on four years. I now know personally a sub-set of treated Hep C patients who have cleared the virus, but gone on to develop long term issues with auto-immune disease or inflamatory processes or ME. I have never regretted doing interferon, but it has made me respectful of what the longer term results of powerful anti-viral drugs can be.

Thanks sian, I'm always curious about this issue. Are you saying that you think the Interferon caused the autoimmune, inflammatory, or ME in you and others?


Senior Member
Manchester UK
There does seem to be a subset of treated patients who clear the Hep C but go on to develop ME or autoimmune disease. I'm one, and I have another two friends in the same boat - one of whom got hashimoto's, sojorgens and other stuff and was told by the consultant 'we dont know what to do with people like you' - ie, ones who'd done interferon and then got other stuff. Having said that, I dont want to put anyone off interferon - I also know plenty of people who have done it and are fine. It was a big turnaround for me too, and I have no proof it contributed to my later development of ME. Even if it did, I would still pick that over end-stage liver disease, a process I have watched in several people. I think having Hep C itself is a risk for ME, for all sorts of reasons - impaired detoxification, immune exhaustion etc etc.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've been following the development of RnA Drops since I first heard about them. For those of you who are confused, these are not the same RNA drops sold by Dr. Amy Yasko. Americanrealist is referring to a product called RnA Drops sold at this website: http://www.rnadrops.info/

Much of the marketing for this compound has been done by Dr. Carolyn Dean and her husband Bob Dobbs (who has a somewhat shifty history). They used to do a radio show with a man they called JW, and this man would channel a multi-dimensional entity called iON. People would call in and ask questions, and iON would give advice and answer questions about the universe.

iON gave the formula for RnA Drops to the man who is currently manufacturing them. He used to sell bodybuilding supplements, if I remember correctly. Supposedly the RnA Drops reprogram our RNA to their original design, essentially "resetting" our body.

One day JW disappeared, and iON stopped coming on the radio show. Some people think that JW was in fact Jeffrey Wallace Edwards, a man from Bremen, Georgia, who was arrested for investment fraud.

So basically... RnA Drops are some sort of sprouted barley extract invented by a multi-dimensional entity called iON who spoke through a man named JW, who might be in jail right now.

That being said, I"m glad that Americanrealist has seen results from taking them, and I'm still thinking about trying them sometime.

Thanks much for this InvisibleJungle. I've been perusing this thread for the past half hour or so, and in conjunction, trying to google ma drops and RnA drops, and all kinds of other stuff. Your description of many factors surrounding this product has been very helpful.

I kept thinking that if I could just find a 100-word snippet in plain, everyday common language explaining what this is (or at least give a succinct introduction), I could make a decision as to whether to continue researching this or not. Since I don't like to leave any stone unturned, this was sort of driving me crazy. I can now let it go, and not give it another thought. When any kind of product or orientation keeps giving you the "go around", it usually means there's nothing there to being with. In this case, the "go around" was questionable marketing, which seemed to try to dazzle with some sort of new age "mystique".
for a product that has nothing there to begin with, I sure feel great! :) lol

anyway all joking aside, I do understand where people are coming from if they are turned off...and on the other side I do find it sad how the new age movement has seemed to close peoples minds to anything that sounds remotely new agey. It's true, most of the new age stuff is chock full of garbage and charlatans...Anyway, people will find there way at some point, I do believe that. Happy journeying to all...


Senior Member
Northern Ca. USA
There does seem to be a subset of treated patients who clear the Hep C but go on to develop ME or autoimmune disease. I'm one, and I have another two friends in the same boat - one of whom got hashimoto's, sojorgens and other stuff and was told by the consultant 'we dont know what to do with people like you' - ie, ones who'd done interferon and then got other stuff. Having said that, I dont want to put anyone off interferon - I also know plenty of people who have done it and are fine. It was a big turnaround for me too, and I have no proof it contributed to my later development of ME. Even if it did, I would still pick that over end-stage liver disease, a process I have watched in several people. I think having Hep C itself is a risk for ME, for all sorts of reasons - impaired detoxification, immune exhaustion etc etc.

Hi sian, thanks for responding. I knew autoimmune disease was a risk with Ifn Tx, but I had never met anyone who had developed ME from it. Yikes! I do agree with you about it's use to prevent advanced liver disease. I too have seen people die of end stage liver disease....not pretty (I'm a Nurse, and there is lots of HCV here). So glad that you made SVR with the old SOC Tx.

What I find most interesting is you saying you think HCV may be a risk for developing ME. Sure makes sense to me because like you say....detoxification, inmmune exhaustion, etc. But obviously there is more to the puzzle as to why some heppers develop ME....and that would be the $64mil dollar question. ME research needs to be looking at all these different diseases and their role in developing ME.

I wonder how much HCV may be perpetuating the ME in those who have both concurrently. If so, maybe those with both would find some relief of their ME, by Txing and clearing the HCV. I know a few people currently with high hopes that it will.