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Have you tried a home hepatic cleaning?

Hey guys,

I was reading about hepatic cleanings and it is indicated for these followings pathologies (sorry, i couldn't find a list in english, but i bet you understand most of them):

Esclerosis Múltiple y Lateral
Reflujo gastroesofágico
Ovarios Poliquísticos
Manchas obscuras edad
Artritis y Reumatismo
Dermatitis - Eccema - Psoriasis
Lupus Eritematoso
Acné y Rosacea
Síndrome Premenstrual y Síntomas de Menopausia
Esterilidad masculina y femenina

Anyway, this is a home cleaning with malic acid, apple juice, olive oil and epson salt. Apparently the results are amazing, since you expel parasites, fungus, bilis stones and many other junk that is intoxicating your liver.

I want to do it but i'm a little afraid that since it's so harsh i might relapse. And now i'm doing ok, i guess, at least i have some energy to study and have some other activities.

Have any of you tried this? What do you think about it?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hey guys,

...I want to do it but i'm a little afraid that since it's so harsh i might relapse. And now i'm doing ok, i guess, at least i have some energy to study and have some other activities.

Have any of you tried this? What do you think about it?

Did it, it can be very tough, it was awful for me and didn't see benefits.



Senior Member
Did it also, agree it can be rough. The nausea is off the charts. I had some stones come out, but didn't notice much benefit from just the one time. I can see if you get used to them and do multiple cleanses it theoretically should be a help. It only stands to reason that when you move some of that toxic sludge out of your liver/gall you might feel at least a little better.
I did several of these also, think it also goes by the amazing liver flush. I think it was truly amazing what came out, but it is difficult and probably not without risk. I am not afraid of doing them. Desperate people do desperate things. I think like jeffrez stated, in theory it seems like it should be helpful in some way, if only to allow better bile flow. I do not recall all the details, but I think there is some school of thought that talks about re-circulating toxins, so I've often thought this might help to get some of that out also (but this is only my thought). I am quite certain however, that the stones were not simply made over-night with the olive oil and epsom salts. The stones got progressively smaller the more flushes I did. The color of the stones changed also, so did the hardness. They started out large, squishy and dark green, and then lighter green and harder. Some were very hard and light grey. After several, it was like little brown grains of sand. There were even a few hard black pebbles. I realized the dark green (squishy) ones were newly formed, and if you wait too long between flushes you get more of these, and less of the smaller ones (which I believe are ones further in the liver). Anyhow, I did several, and I believe in the concept, but it did not help my conditon either. However, I have no regrets, and still do maybe one per year (or so). It is difficult, and I am slipping further, so not sure how long I will be able to do that. An ultrasound beforehand showed 'cysts' in liver. No similar tests were done afterwards to see if they cleared, but I have often wondered. I do know someone in person who stated that it helped her (after several in a row), though I can not say what her condition was beforehand. She was the one who informed me, and she had nothing to profit by telling me.

Just know that I am not endorsing it or not, each person has to realize the risks and challenges, and has to decide upon themselves if they think it is worth it. It is a good question to post, if only to hear about others experiences. I reply here to share my experience and some thougths only.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I have done 'liver detox' starting with teas and moving on to a product called LiverCare (a.k.a. Liv.52) by Himalaya. I assume it helped since my tolerance of alcohol increased and I did not have any negative side effects.

I did try one liver cleanse pill that I did not tolerate. I assume I was allergic to something in it. One always has to be careful.


Senior Member
Did it also, agree it can be rough. The nausea is off the charts. I had some stones come out, but didn't notice much benefit from just the one time. I can see if you get used to them and do multiple cleanses it theoretically should be a help. It only stands to reason that when you move some of that toxic sludge out of your liver/gall you might feel at least a little better.

Well according to Hulda Clark, anyone with significant illness would need to clear 2000 stones - so that's potentially a years worth of flushing. I don't have nausea but it is still very difficult, won't argue with you there! been blogging about my experiences with it here: http://howirecovered.com/category/liver/