i used doxylamine before i had cfs, im a shift worker so the need for sleep meds was for during the day between night shifts. The first time i took it, it knocked my socks off and felt groggy afterwards, that was 25mg and the pharmacist said to try just a 1/4 of a tab but on the box it said 1-2 tabs(25mg each) so i thought the advice was crap, but i should have listened, lol. Now if i use it i take 50mg and sometimes it doesnt work, but the initial response i got from it was alot stronger then any benzo i have used, even pre cfs i took tamazepam and it didnt do much, especially compared to doxylamine. Pre cfs melatonin use to work well. i dont think these things are med tolerances but i do think that the viral infections i got from cfs have damaged my ability to sleep. I have found zopiclone to have worked the longest without getting too bad a tolerence to it, but every so often i take an extended break from it and then it starts to work again. I try not to take the same sleep med more then 2 nights in a row and have a few benzo free nights a week as well. I dont think im addicted to sleep meds, more like dependent, but i can stop benzo's without too many problems which i think is because i alternate what i use alot which i think reduces the chances of addiction and also helps to keep the meds working. Its a juggling act but still go through periods where nothing works so i just stop taking sleep meds for a couple of days, usually when i dont have to work, and then they usually start working again. I am looking into elevated night time cortisol levels and other hormonal stuff which might be disturbing my sleep. I have had a sleep study but apparently u need to sleep when u have one, lol. they had no treatment ideas for sleep as they only seem interested in sleep apnea etc and u have to sleep for them to test for it.I dont think apnea is my problem because if i can get a good nights sleep i feel alot better, which is normally not the case in sleep apnea.