@Shoshana I was curious about this because it sounded for some that it goes on for many hours. I remember when my mother had a colonoscopy a few years ago we both wondered when it was all going to happen, she was drinking lots of fluids and had taken the preps and nothing was happening. I went to bed and hoped mum would be alright and apparently it started for her in he early hours of the morning and was over in a few hours.@rosie26
For me, it does not go on for hours, and it was not a big problem. I did feel significantly more weakness, which was difficult, so I stayed in bed, but the loose cleanout was not very problematic, for me.
I eat very lightly, the day before the prep, especially the supper and eveing before the prep day, with choosing particular proteins and NOT red meat or long-digesting foods, so that may help me, to have less diahrrea, I do not know.
Good to hear your response to it and I will remember about eating lightly, etc.