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I had some out of the ordinary lab work done recently aside from the usual TSH and discovered my TPO thyroid antibody levels were very elevated. I am waiting to see the doctor but did so research myself and found that means I probably have hashimotos disease. Does anyone else here have this and can it be treated? Not sure what this means. Do I have atypical CFS? Also my testostorone ?? was so low it barely was in range. I've tried bio identical creams and drops and it has done zero so I decided to have the pellets implanted. Just had it done so waiting to see if it has any effect. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also, my blood pressure has been normal for the past several months yeah and my dizziness almost completely gone thank goodness. are the two related? don't know.... I'm not as fatigued, I can usually make it till noon sometimes I'm refreshed after a nap sometimes not. I remember a couple of years ago, as soon as I got out of bed in the morning, within 1 hour, I was back in bed. I still do not know what happened to my body and neither do the doctors. I have seen two experts in cfs and one said secondary maybe and the other atypical so I felf like I never really knew. The fatigue was the last symptom that hit me.... sorry to be so lengthy


Senior Member
I had some out of the ordinary lab work done recently aside from the usual TSH and discovered my TPO thyroid antibody levels were very elevated. I am waiting to see the doctor but did so research myself and found that means I probably have hashimotos disease. Does anyone else here have this and can it be treated? Not sure what this means. Do I have atypical CFS? Also my testostorone ?? was so low it barely was in range. I've tried bio identical creams and drops and it has done zero so I decided to have the pellets implanted. Just had it done so waiting to see if it has any effect. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also, my blood pressure has been normal for the past several months yeah and my dizziness almost completely gone thank goodness. are the two related? don't know.... I'm not as fatigued, I can usually make it till noon sometimes I'm refreshed after a nap sometimes not. I remember a couple of years ago, as soon as I got out of bed in the morning, within 1 hour, I was back in bed. I still do not know what happened to my body and neither do the doctors. I have seen two experts in cfs and one said secondary maybe and the other atypical so I felf like I never really knew. The fatigue was the last symptom that hit me.... sorry to be so lengthy

Hi, Lee Ann.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is very common in ME/CFS. Wikland in Sweden, who did needle biopsy of the thyroid, found a 40% prevalence of Hashimoto's in ME/CFS. Dr. Byron Hyde in Canada has likewise reported finding a high prevalence.

In the GD-MCB hypothesis, Hashimoto's in ME/CFS is caused by glutathione depletion in the thyroid gland. This causes the thyroid to lose protection from the hydrogen peroxide it produces as part of the synthesis of the thyroid hormones. The hydrogen peroxide then reacts with proteins in the thyroid, producing molecules that appear "foreign" to the immune system. It therefore mounts an autoimmune attack, and that's Hashimoto's. This damage model is due to Duthoit et al.

I think the methylation treatment, which has been shown to raise glutathione, will likely stop the Hashimoto's, but I don't have clinical evidence of this. The usual medical treatment is just to give thyroid hormones if they are low. In Hashimoto's, they can go high initially, but eventually they go low, as the thyroid cells are destroyed.

The low testosterone as well as other endocrine problems in ME/CFS are likely tied to glutathione depletion in the hypothalamus and pituitary, and they should also be corrected by methylation treatment.

Best regards,


Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I have it, but in my case I think it was heriditary. My sister and my mom also had it. My sister and I went through periods of overactive thyroid when we were younger. Unfortunately, many doctors don't believe that TPPO antibodies indicate Hashimoto's disease. They consider the only correct test to be going into your throat with a needle, sucking out fluid and examining the fluid for Hashimoto's disease. I think they look for signs that immune cells are in there, but can't remember exactly what they look for. Of course, your insurance won't pay for this test and your doctor won't do it because all hypoactive thyroid issues are treated like they are the same - with Synthroid type thyroid hormone. Who cares about the correct diagnosis.

Why is it that issues that primarily effect women don't matter much to the medical profession?