well scratch inositol off the list of my supplements.
been noticing a trend of increasing fatigue and weight gain the past month even tho being more active.
of the two supplements I've added during that time (TMG the other), inositol is used to lower testosterone in women with PCOS and appears to do the same in men
so just straight choline and going to cycle DHEA for a short bit.
And scratch choline and TMG off, I had a suspicion they are too sulfur related and was causing issues like other sulfur supplements have done for me.
Did a challenge test with both and definitely felt worse on each.
So now I'm on mfolate, B12s, lithium orotate, B2, coq10, lysine, proline and vit C.
No more of the other Bs like P5P, niacin, thiamine etc.
Fatigue has improved so much I am able to do more and was running into delayed pain symptoms so also started back up on nortriptyline nightly.
It's helping with neuro pain and hands going numb while sleeping.