If - it´s my personal favourite - the symptoms came from
a geometrical trap of synaptical connections in these geometrical structures inside the brain
(which would probably influence other systems),
could such a misproportion show up in an neuroimaging??
I have read that deseases which invovlve disbalance of receptors can show up in PET.
But maybe here it´s only a slight disbalance. Maybe it would be only a geometrical misproportion?
Then how long would we need to wait until it could becomes investigable?
More generel, a very recent and reasonable assessment:
Russel et al 2019 Persisitent fatique induced by interferon-alpha ...
last paragraph
(They also had a very good look at IDO, BTW)
However, in my case I can support these geometrical pronounced structure(s),
(1) -- but I would think that the influence on my immunesystem is prerequisite (I know my history of two infections, and the pathway that has become altered can be influenced, I have given it in the signature below)
(2) -- I have found out in my case: A) neurotransmitters and/or precursors (gaba together with taurin // tyrosine, together with very little tryptophan which can get strange) B) Metals like in chocolate (in fact in my experience there evolves too much chaotic action if the amount of chololate is too high, so 0.25-0.5g/kg bw) Chocolate drink?? C) Medicals (alkaloids, hops and alcohol in autumn, one drop of ambroxol) D) a quarter drop of vinegar while gettig better (for ASIC in the the accumbens, therefore not together with alcohol).
(3) -- Thanks to Fluge 2016 p3 f1 the TCA could (can in my experience) be fueled by some aminoacids. Fluge referres to PBMCs (immunesystem), if I am remembering right.
In my case its progredient, still not fast a miracle. I also was fine in beween. Additional remarks:
ad (1) -- The idea to reverse the impact in a its special target(s?) is not mentioned by the nice article Russel et al 2019. Naviaux 2014 says that all stuff which can catch electrons might be a cause of deseases including mecfs. Maybe (I think so) it would needed to specify. But who knows, maybe not in mecfs??
ad (2) -- The metals I am talking about are nickel, chromium, zinc, aluminium, not in chocolate is silver (as far as I know) -- How long would it take until these ultra-trace metals are investigated any further? The intelligent article Naviaux 2014 (cell danger response) mentions some of these metals only as per se toxic.
ad (3) -- Some of us have reported good effects from BCAAs. I though have so far tested lysine, methionine (seems to be strange in conjunction with lysine, sadly), histidine (but causes cold limbs now?), proline (makes my rosacea worse when it works towards the eyes).
(So, this is almost all my wisdom. It might look a bit humpty dumpty like. And I need to eat eggs now indeed.)