Has anyone tried restore?


Senior Member
Southern California
Hi, I just read some of the posts on this thread. Here is the description from the manufacturer on what "Lignite" is:
"One of the main elements in Restore is the lignite extracts. Lignite comes from decomposed prehistoric matter. As plants decompose, they first form peat, which then turns into humate, then lignite, then leonardite and finally to coal. All of these are rich in carbon. One of the differences between all of these elements is the amount of time and pressure that have been applied to them."

So what's the big deal? People with IBS use Activated Charcaol all the time to relieve their symptoms. This sounds like 1 step better and cleaner.... .... The reason I am interested to know is my Doctor just prescribed this to me for my leaky gut and SIBO and I just started taking it yesterday and so far okay... I will post my results here in the next week if it gives me side effects.


Senior Member
Southern California