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Has anyone tried "Probiota HistaminX" from Seeking Health?


Senior Member
I got an e-mail from Seeking Health today re: a new probiotic called "Probiota HistaminX" and was curious if anyone here has ever tried it? I buy other products from Seeking Health (Hydroxo B-12/Folinic Acid and B-Minus) and am very happy with them. But I do not take any probiotics (and haven't in about three years) and am hesitant to mess with my current protocol which is working so well. So I was just wondering if anyone with MCAS (or in general) has ever tried this probiotic? Here is the link:


I have no affiliation with this company or product and am just curious what others think of it. Thanks in advance for any feedback!


Senior Member
East Sussex
Lactobacillus salivarius appears to be the only unique bacteria that is not commonly found in other probiotics, all the others are in many commercial probiotics so I am not sure how this specifically deals with Histamine any better than others?


Senior Member
Thanks for the feedback @ChrisD and I was not sure if there was anything special or unique about this Probiotic re: histamine. I am not having any allergic reactions at present but as I am starting a Cortef taper, I am interested in finding other products that could help in this regard (if needed) and wasn't sure if this one could be helpful vs. a marketing gimmick.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Lactobacillus salivarius appears to be the only unique bacteria that is not commonly found in other probiotics, all the others are in many commercial probiotics so I am not sure how this specifically deals with Histamine any better than others?

Hi ChrisD - I think the purpose of this formula is not to better deal with histamine or process it. Instead, it's a formula that doesn't add to creating more histamine in the gut, which many probiotics can.

From seeking health website-

ProBiota HistaminX contains probiotic species that have been carefully selected to exclude those that are known to increase histamine in the gut.

@Gingergrrl - I have seen many videos and read a great deal of info from Dr. Lynch, who runs seeking health. I find him a man of high integrity and researches relentlessly.

Hopefully just some info to help you make a more informed decision.:)



Senior Member
South East England, UK
Hi ChrisD - I think the purpose of this formula is not to better deal with histamine or process it. Instead, it's a formula that doesn't add to creating more histamine in the gut, which many probiotics can.

That is correct, I listened to one of his talks on Facebook about how to treat Candida and he mentioned this then. I can see I have been doing it wrong where Candida and other pathogenic gut bugs are concerned. His recommendations make much more sense, basically one thing at a time and go very slowly and pulse the various parts of his protocol. If you are being made worse like I was then you are either taking the wrong supplement or taking too much or taking too many things at once.



Senior Member
@Gingergrrl - I have seen many videos and read a great deal of info from Dr. Lynch, who runs seeking health. I find him a man of high integrity and researches relentlessly.

I agree and I was unable to find a single version of B-12 or Folate that I could tolerate, and also did not have food dyes that I was allergic to, and desperately needed to increase my very low B-12 and Folate on tests.

The Hydroxo B-12/Folinic Acid by Seeking Health was the first one that caused me zero side effects and raised my B-12/Folate on blood tests. I also take their "B-Minus" for the other B-vitamins. Both are excellent products and when they briefly became unavailable, I called Seeking Health and they had a few bottles left and went out of their way to ship them to me within days.

I don't think it is a scam whatsoever, I was just curious how this probiotic differed and if it really lowered histamine (but it sounds like it avoids the ones that raise histamine so you can get a variety of safe probiotics if you have MCAS). I am interested in this product as I do not take any probiotic now and have started a (very slow) taper off Cortef. I am still undecided and was curious if anyone else from PR had ever tried it?


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I am interested in this product as I do not take any probiotic now and have started a (very slow) taper off Cortef. I am still undecided and was curious if anyone else from PR had ever tried it?

I have never taken the product myself, maybe somebody else can jump in and give you some feedback.

Good luck with the cortef taper, I hope it goes smoothly!



Senior Member
I have never taken the product myself, maybe somebody else can jump in and give you some feedback.

I think this might be a brand new product although I am not certain of this.

Good luck with the cortef taper, I hope it goes smoothly!

Thanks, Jim, and if I do the taper as planned, it is actually going to take me 1.5 years (which sounds ridiculous but if it succeeds, I will be off Cortef and will have reversed the adrenal insufficiency vs. the alternative of being on Cortef for the rest of my life).


Senior Member
havent used it, but do use Bifido infantis when histamines flare up, and it does really seem to help

I tried "Align" (Bifido Infantis) when I was at the most severe point of my entire illness (2015) and it did not do anything for me. But I am wondering if now that I am better, if a probiotic would be helpful? I got another e-mail from Seeking Health today offering a discount on the Probiota HistaminX but am still undecided if I want to try it.


Senior Member
I tried "Align" (Bifido Infantis) when I was at the most severe point of my entire illness (2015) and it did not do anything for me.

hmm...first time I took bif inf I started with small amount , part of a capsule, and got bellyache from it ( therapist had told me nobody ever gets bellyache from it, can given safely to babies...well, lets say i know my belly better then he does)

so that maybe a thing, the slowly building.

the other thing may be the additives, I could not read it well on the amazon picture, but saw a list of additives. I go for the cleanest sups and happily have a brand without baddies added.

Also I find that now that I'm moderate instead of severe, body can handle things that it couldn't when severe.

so I'd say worth giving it a try, slow and careful


Senior Member
the other thing may be the additives, I could not read it well on the amazon picture, but saw a list of additives.

The additives for this probiotic are: Vegetarian capsule (hypromellose, water) and microcrystalline cellulose. All of those would be okay for me and I am more concerned about the probiotics itself!


Senior Member
yes...I get that.
I do not do combined probiotics anymore, and have two sorts ( reuteri and another whose name I don't remember now) waiting for a daring moment.
Not yet, as i got a viral infection and feel frigging bad.

Not least of all because GP told me that my fear to get bedbound again was unfounded and advised psychosomatic physiotherapy.
