I started Ketotifen a couple weeks ago, 1 mg 2x per day. After first days doing that does, one day i was hit so hard with immoblizing sedation—I was nearly hanging off the bed with my mouth open all day. Was pretty awful.
I've tried to back off and take in a more manageable way. Did tons of reading, though maddening how little info there is online regarding ORAL side effects, etc.
I think even 1mg, if I take a couple days or even break up into 'sips' (mostly in the evening) has exponentially increased the exhaustion. I've had periods where sleeping for hours in the day and hellish-twilight level weird half-consciousness have been symptoms—but it's so hard to remember if it felt like THIS, especially when feel so bad. No perspective at the moment.
I took cromolyn last year, but insurance woudn't cover at all and out of pocket compounding just got insanely expensive. I remember as the doctor kept telling me to take MORE each day (up to 8 pills cromolyn), I asked what side effects I might expect so I'm ready and not freaked out by something more-new. He told me that diarrhea would probalby happen. Never did. This past 6 months, outright collapsed a couple times and came back with extremely high histamine blood tests from Hospital—that seemed to help get coverage for the BRAND-available liquid cromolyn. ONE dose of that causes that bad stomach issue—miserably and painfully so. In retrospect, though it was not cure-level, i think that compounded oral Cromolyn was helping me some. I was on a slow slow upswing last year, then went down again. Though stopping the expensive cromolyn was only one of a number of variables that might have knocked me down hard this last year. Really, at a point, I have no idea what is what.
I did find a few online mast cell forums where people are taking Ketotifen and say they had been extremely tired—but it's always hard to determine how much. I've been non-functional—many many hours after taking, the entire next day, etc. And most here will understand, extra symptoms or side effects dont exist in a vacuum they come right alone with whatever else we're dealing with in the first place.
And online can be tough. For me, I always end finding so many people who say "oh, i was SO sick for so long, but X thing helped me so much!' and I get this hope thing, then i try and it seems like a fiasco. And as great as resources here are, it's so hard to get real guided help when you're pinballed into 10 different kinds of debilitating misery each day. I dont mean to be extreme, I've been sick for 10 years and nearly completley housebound. I had 3 periods where I was recovering in tiny hopeful increments and then fell off the earth again. It's maddening. What was I doing right, what am I doing wrong.
And with new or intensified symptoms, I dont' know about any of you, but sometimes—because it's always so impossible to know for sure what is going on, or a reasonable baseline from which we can sort of judge the effects of things (prior to this illness, I mean, if I took some supplement or ate some food, and got a headache or sick to my stomach an hour later, it was pretty easy to tell. THIS illness? No baseline, always sick, in some cycle)
I"m so utterly miserably, scared exhausted I'm gonna stop the ketotifen. I know I'm not taking a high dose. I'm not even sure that's what's causing it. I also, like many here, dont have MCAD in a vacuum—there's the larger CFS and all that stuff. I was so hopeful, after discovering that a lot of symptoms may really be b/c of the mast cell issues (see extraordinarily high histamine tests during collapse and also at a not-collapsing but pretty bad day)—I might actually feel better. But for the 100th time, I feel like a guinea pig with no clear direction. I have changed my diet hugely—honestly, when MCAS was a clinical-only diagnosis and I've had so many of those, i didn't know how seriousy to take it. I do now, but I have already tried some of the other meds and supplements for mast cell—and nothing has seemed to help hugely, many things already making me non-functional miserable and really just feel lost in all of this. Again.
this reads more like a crazy person than a clear question. I guess just any group wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks.