So glad I found this thread, which I found just through Googling Dr Stewart and hence joined the forum. I had an appointment at the CFS clinic and was already not impressed at them having a psychologist sit in. So I made it very clear that I am not anxious or depressed and pointed out that there is a lot of erroneous information on my health records. I have Ehlers Danlos and CFS can co-occur with EDS quite often. (Any other members with EDS might find this interesting article on EDS and CFS So at the appointment, Dr Stewart asked me who diagnosed my EDS. It just so happened that it was the world-renowned expert in EDS and when I told him he name, he replied
"Oh, well I'm not going to challenge a diagnosis by him!" which I thought was an odd comment at the time but thought he had just asked out of interest. Because I've had so many professional reports turn up with factual errors in before, I requested a draft report before he sent the final one as it's important to me that things are correct. He kindly obliged. But imagine my surprise and annoyance when the draft report turned up, and he had listed all my medical diagnoses into categories of "contentious" and "agreed". I was fuming. He had also put my EDS diagnosis under contentious! I have been on their books for ages as I had to keep rescheduling due to family commitments that had to take priority, but I expected due to the correspondence I'd had with them prior to my appointment, that there would be a definitive answer as to whether I have CFS or not. So I sent him a long letter responding to his draft report and have heard nothing since.
I am flabbergasted that a doctor trained in general medicine would be passing comment on areas outside his knowledge and qualification and challenging diagnoses. The comment he made in my consultation made sense once I received the draft report. He clearly had also been rummaging around in my health records without asking my permission or seeking consent, which is a Data Protection breach. Just because the records are within the NHS doesn't mean anyone who feels like it can access them without going through proper procedures and without patient knowledge. He was commenting on totally unrelated diagnoses I have which are so far outside his area of knowledge it's untrue and all the diagnoses he challenged were private ones!
I was also taken slightly aback that so many of the questions he asked me were highly irrelevant and he was making notes about some answers which I felt pressed to give but were absolutely irrelevant to a CFS consultation. I understand they need to look at a patient's environment to see if there are any potential contributors or causal factors to the symptoms but he was asking me what exams our eldest child was taking and even more irrelevant things.
I came away feeling, especially after reading the draft report, that they have no intention of diagnosing me with CFS and despite me asking in writing about whether the clinic makes recommendations for the patient's GP to refer for testing to rule out things that may be causing the symptoms, they don't do that either. It almost feels like it's just there to go through the motions of placating the patient that they have been seen. I don't care about the diagnosis of CFS
(I'm not looking for one more label!) but I do want to know if I have treatable causes for the symptoms. Like many of you, I have had 23andme and I do have methylation issues, I may have mast cell issues, MTHFR mutations, had low phosphate in at least 2 blood tests
(hypophosphataemia can cause fatigue) and various other possible factors. It just seems to me the ME/CFS clinic does not make recommendations to GPs but they have ignored my communications about it.
He wanted a list of my current vitamins and supplements (I'm rattling!) which I provided and he couldn't find anything wrong with doses. He made a point of giving a mini lecture at the consultation about vitamins when I talked about mega dosing for health, saying too much vitamin C can cause breast cancer and said he'd written to Holland & Barrett asking them if they gave out advice to people buying their vitamins!
So at the moment I am in limbo-land. Not impressed with how it's gone and still seeking answers.