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Has anyone read "The Medical Medium"

I have been suffering with CFS since I was 14 (I am 27 now) and it just keeps getting worse. I bought the book The Medical Medium by Anthony William and thought it was very interesting. It discusses the "cause" for CFS/ME and natural ways to go about healing yourself. The author focuses a lot on plant based foods, in particular just raw fruits and vegetables, as well as supplements you can take.

See: http://goop.com/the-medical-medium-and-whats-potentially-at-the-root-of-medical-mysteries/
Some examples:
  • Cat’s claw: herb that reduces EBV and cofactors such as strep A and strep B.
  • Silver hydrosol: lowers EBV viral load.
  • Zinc: strengthens the immune system and protects the thyroid from EBV inflammation.
  • Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin and/or adenosylcobalamin): strengthens the central nervous system.
  • Licorice root: lowers EBV production and strengthens the adrenals and kidneys.
  • Lemon balm: antiviral and antibacterial. Kills EBV cells and strengthens the immune system.
  • 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate): helps strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system.
  • Selenium: strengthens and protects the central nervous system.
  • Red marine algae: powerful antiviral that removes heavy metals such as mercury and reduces viral load.
  • L-lysine: lowers EBV load and acts as a central nervous system anti-inflammatory.
  • Spirulina (preferably from Hawaii): rebuilds the central nervous system and eliminates heavy metals.
  • Ester-C: strengthens the immune system and flushes EBV toxins from the liver.
  • Nettle leaf: provides vital micronutrients to the brain, blood, and central nervous system.
  • Monolaurin: antiviral; breaks down EBV load and reduces cofactors.
  • Elderberry: antiviral; strengthens the immune system.
  • Red clover: cleanses the liver, lymphatic system, and spleen of neurotoxins from EBV.
  • Star anise: antiviral; helps destroy EBV in the liver and thyroid.
  • Curcumin: component of turmeric that helps strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system

Has anyone tried the 28 day diet as described in this book? If not, I am still extremely interested in your thoughts on if you believe these herbs and supplements can help as much as the author says it will?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
If it helped as much as the author believes we would all be cured and the medical research would not be at such an early stage of we can't identify the problem, it would be at the cure stage.
That said some of these things may help slightly but most seem like wishful thinking given by an air of authority. It will be expensive to try them and you will likely find out they don't work. Many of us are financially challenged and have chased expensive treatments only to get no benefit except further financial problems.
We don't even know for sure that ME/CFS is sustained by a virus so lowering the load of a possible non entity doesn't make such sense.

All that said if your B12 deficient then raising it will help the B12 deficiency symptoms, above normal doses gives a bit of energy boost and if you have high homocysteine then b12 plus methylfolate can reduce it which can help the comorbid condition if you have it. Some people have very bad reactions to methylfolate, sometimes long term harm so be careful.

About the best treatments available so far depend on your body because there seem to be a few variations of ME/CFS among the members here, i've found D-Ribose gives me some energy combined with Creatine, gets pricey but works a bit (double of almost nothing is still very little) and acetylcarnitine helps the mental symptoms but it seems a high dose is needed (i'm still figuring that one out). I also take a few other supplements but i'm adjusting them to see what happens. All that said whats worked for me has not worked well for others here, so its hard to give one size fits all advice, especially since we don't know your exact symptoms or test results.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Yes I have read the book and listened to most if not all the radio podcasts he has done. I am slowly getting my life back thanks to this man...........and that's after having CFS for 20 yrs. There are many symptoms that are completely gone. I do not feel like I am SUFFERING anymore................to put it in a nutshell. I know of MANY that have been helped.


Senior Member
@Sapphire89 have you been tested for the viruses most commonly associated with ME/CFS, such as coxsackievirus B, echovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HHV-6 and cytomegalovirus?

Chronic coxsackievirus B and echovirus infections in ME/CFS patients can only be reliably detected by certain very sensitive tests, such as the ARUP Lab neutralization tests. If you were tested using a method other than neutralization, then the test results are not reliable.

If you have an active infections with one or more of these viruses, then antivirals or immunomodulators that target the virus(es) in question can help.

For EBV, Dr Lerner's protocol uses Valtrex or Famvir. For coxsackievirus B and echovirus (these are both enteroviruses), Dr John Chia uses oxymatrine.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Well it's inevitable if you take the kitchen sink approach, get people to take everything that anyone anywhere has ever said might have health benefits, get them to cut out things that anyone, anywhere has said might be unhealthy.
Ughhhhhh..................this is the kind of comment that can occur when people don't have all the information or have not read the book.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Ughhhhhh..................this is the kind of comment that can occur when people don't have all the information or have not read the book.
Quite possibly, or if they are PEM'd and can't get anything done and then read they'll be fine if they just take 20 odd herbs

Again, my apologies
I agree with your preeditted post plus just because quacks have fans doesn't make them correct, legitimate research has not shown the factors claimed so assuming they exist and treating them when they likely don't exist can't work.
The placebo effect is strong and often is confused for legitimate medical treatment.


Senior Member
With all due respect @Sapphire89, no one can be that desperate to fall for his sales pitch. I'm not saying that some of what you've listed isn't beneficial (B12, folate,etc), but his overall claims, especially how he arrives at his conclusions are pure nonsense.

His 'bio' says it all:

"Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. Since age four, when he shocked his family by announcing that his symptom-free grandmother had lung cancer (which medical testing soon confirmed), Anthony has been using his gift to “read” people’s conditions and tell them how to recover their health. His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of thousands worldwide, among them movie stars, rock stars, billionaires, professional athletes, best-selling authors, and countless other people from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from Spirit. Anthony has also become an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases, and has recently released his NY Times Best Seller “Medical Medium.”

...as does the url of the link in your post: http://goop.com.

Please use common sense and don't let charlatans like William take advantage of you.


Senior Member
Some interesting comments on Amazon:

"Anthony's consultations cost $500 for a half hour, not to worry, major credit cards accepted. I.e., $1000 per HOUR. He doesn't have time to get to everyone, so applicants are selected by 'lottery'. You can fill out what your problem is on the request form, so it is possible he already has knowledge of it. The huge amount of money charged to people who are already desperate, who have already likely gone deep into debt with medical expenses and lack of work, makes me doubt that he is charging the rated God approved of."

"Who can question the Spirit, number two to God, who talks only to Anthony and nobody else on earth? For the Spirits information is 20-40 years ahead of medical science. By the time it is proven or disproven, Anthony and Spirit will be worth more than Bill Gates, and laughing their butts off on some nice beach."


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
"Anthony's consultations cost $500 for a half hour, not to worry, major credit cards accepted. I.e., $1000 per HOUR. He doesn't have time to get to everyone, so applicants are selected by 'lottery'. You can fill out what your problem is on the request form, so it is possible he already has knowledge of it.
I love this, create the illusion of scarcity

"Chronic fatigue syndrome is real. It’s the Epstein-Barr virus".

Well then, he's solved the mystery.
Yup, he should take over the OMF from Ron Davis. Hail the new messiah :rofl:


Senior Member
The other side.
I agree with your preeditted post plus just because quacks have fans doesn't make them correct, ...........
It does make them (the fans) ill people who, regardless of my opinions, I shouldn't be dismissive of or reply in a manner that 'could' be interpreted as "offensive" - this is why I removed my post, not because I thought I was incorrect.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Excellent! I guess that means we can all go home now? :D
Scroll to 2:09

It does make them ill people who, regardless of my opinions, I shouldn't be dismissive of or reply in a manner that 'could' be interpreted as "offensive" - this is why I removed my post, not because I thought I was incorrect.
Fair enough, though i don't try to offend people i don't sugarcoat facts.