Has anyone read the book "Detox or Die"

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Hi Mark,


I also incorporated (mostly out of necessity) the perspective that I needed to focus on inexpensive therapies before moving on to more expensive therapies. I think this is similar to Maxine's current view point when she mentions "In the last few months I have been focused on trying to find inexpensive ways to try to help my health."

Hi Wayne,

Yes, my current view point is to go for things that are inexpensive (mostly out of necessity here too). My last huge expense were the trips I made to see Dr. Lerner. I am glad that I went since he confirmed what I expected - that I fit into the definition of his patients who have reactivating viral infections in the heart tissue. At this time I have chosen not to pursue his recommendations of taking a combination of valcyte and valtrex (for several reasons).

So here I sit, doing an inexpensive (but highly effective) clay footbath, holding oil in my mouth (oil pulling technique), to be followed by holding a clay solution in my mouth.

I have read some about your good experiences with the clay footbaths. I have been looking at them at the Ancient Minerals site and they look more complicated than I would have thought. Can't remember where you order yours from, but I know it wasn't from the A.M. Could you post that again please? What made you decide to choose that brand?

I was recently able to start doing affordable regular FIR saunas after discovering a local health spa that has one available ($40/month). I'm doing some fairly inexpensive methylation supplements, and have learned how to do coffee enemas (CEs) when any detox situation gets too intense. (I'm not into intense detoxification regimes).

Your post has me looking around for health spas that might offer that here. But I am concerned now about what Mark said. I can understand why you are not into intense detox regimes, they scare me - especially if I think mercury is involved.

I've been doing some of these things for varying periods of time (years), but I feel that every day, I'm getting a "smidgen" more toxic stuff out of my body. My perspective is the same as yours, in that I will suddenly arrive at a point where I will get "over the hump". You might describe this as a time when we are 90% detoxified. I think once this happens, my immune system should come back on line and hopefully be able to better address all kinds of opportunistic pathogens, including XMRV (if I have it).

Congrats on getting more toxic stuff out of your body. I love your stated "dream" and hope that we all get to that point too. Will you consider being tested for XMRV?

I anticipate looking at various types of low-cost immune enhancement therapies, similar to the way I focus on detoxification. There's a great thread on this board where many wrote in with suggestions on how to relatively inexpensively support our immune systems. LDN is a low-cost therapy that I expect to follow up on in the near future.

There are some great suggestions on the thread. I hope that if you try the LDN therapy that it will help you move just a smidgen closer to your goal. I am currently taking both inosine and artesunate.

I might add one last item here. I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic about my chances for significant improvement for this year and beyond. I want to mention however, that I don't feel I would feel nearly so confident had I not done a unique atlas repositioning (first cervical vertebra) that released a tremendous amount of pressure on my cranial nerves.

My sister had this same technique done about two weeks ago, and within a few minutes, she mentioned how she felt a tremendous fog lift from her. She described this fog as something she had wondered for years if she would ever make her way out of.

This technique is called AtlasPROfilax. Chiropractors do not know how to do this. Only someone who's had training to do this and is certified can do it correctly. BTW, AtlasPROfilax practitioners have found that 99%+ of people have a misaligned atlas. If a person has had a serious injury, the misalignment could be worse and put that much more pressure on the cranial nerves.

Thanks for adding this, Wayne. It looks very interesting, especially to me, since I got CFS right after I was in a car wreck which jammed my chin into the steering wheel. I had xrays immediately following the wreck and they didn't see anything.


Regards, Wayne

Thanks Wayne, I am looking forward to more of your posts,



Senior Member
London, UK
Well I was going to buy a reasonably priced one for 150 pound but my uk med insurance covered it so I got the one my doc recommended. Its called the "cocoon" http://www.get-fitt.com/ half way down the page. Was expensive though like $500. If the insurance didnt pay I was going to buy this one for under half price which is supposed to be good also: http://www.firzone.co.uk/shop/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=6

If you get one my doc said make sure that the plastic doesnt "off gas" check with the manufacturer.

If you get one I got a pdf that goes into some detailed instructions on how to go about it.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Public Saunas

Wayne - I'd advise you to consider getting your own sauna rather than using one at a health spa. I was strongly cautioned not to use public saunas, because all I would be doing is opening up my pores to absorb whatever toxins the previous users may have sweated out. I think that's much more true of conventional public saunas - I tried that and they made me feel awful, whereas I used to really enjoy them - but I would guess it could still apply to FIR.

I posted a load of detailed tips on FIR saunas based on my experience, on another thread about a month ago maybe - an advanced search for posts by me with 'FIR' or 'sauna' should find it...

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your cautionary note on public saunas. I really appreciate your comments. I talked with my partner (she does the FIR saunas also), and she mentioned she's noticed that the sauna is wiped and cleaned every day. Luckily, this is a new and relatively small health spa, and when I go there, 80% of the time I have the sauna to myself (and so far I haven't noticed a detrimental effects). I do think the ideal would be to have a personal sauna, and I may end up going that route relatively soon.

I would be most interested in reading some of your other detailed tips on FIR saunas. Would it be possible for you to give me a link, or mention the title of the thread? Thanks!



Hysterical woman - magnesium

Hi there,
Just wondering what form of magnesium you are taking ? I have been taking magnesium hydroxide and have been havign a bad feeling about it, I'm not sure why.

Yesterday, I read in Dr. sinatras book that magnesium oxide is nto well absorbed ; maybe3 that is why.


Thanks Diva. I highly suspect I will like the book. I respect the recommendations from Rich and from people on this list. Many have really done their "homework". In the last few months I have been focused on trying to find inexpensive ways to try to help my health. I have had major improvements in some health problems from taking magnesium after reading some books on it. For me, I believe I have had a magnesium deficiency for two decades (probably a separate problems from the CFS).

Just a few days ago I got the book "Could it be B-12" from the library and am now fascinated with trying B12. But now my neighbor across the street borrowed the book from me (she suspects her son of having B-12 deficiency), but I was finding that book very interesting too. It is amazing to me that the medical profession does not research and use more of these things for us.

So, I am looking forward to receiving the 7-Day Detox book, reading it, and trying out some of it's suggestions. I will try to post my thoughts after reading it.

Thanks Diva,



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Not Maxine,

But my doctor recommends Magnesium Malate--apparently it also help detox aluminum and the malate part does other good things...which I can't remember!:(


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Hi there,
Just wondering what form of magnesium you are taking ? I have been taking magnesium hydroxide and have been havign a bad feeling about it, I'm not sure why.

Yesterday, I read in Dr. sinatras book that magnesium oxide is nto well absorbed ; maybe3 that is why.


Hi Suzy,

I am taking both magnesium glycinate (300-400 mg) at bedtime and have also been using magnesium oil in bath/footbaths.

I take magnesium glycinate because it is recommended by Cheney and because of the following from The Magnesium Miracle:

"The best forms of magnesium are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, magnesium orotate, and magnesium oil." - pp. 238 and

"Magnesium taurate, glycinate, and orotate are amino acid chelates of magnesium that have less laxative effect on the intestines than magnesium citrate, so they are recommended if you tend to have loose stools. " p. 245

Also, this book agrees with what Dr. Sinatra says - that magnesium oxide is not well absorbed:

"Magnesium oxide appears to have a high amount of elemental magnesium. One 500 mg capsule of magnesium oxide contains 300 mg of elemental magnesium. But little of that amount is available to the body because it is not absorbed and therefore not biologically available. One recent study reported a 4 % absorption rate of magnesium oxide. This means 12 mg of a 500 mg capsule are absorbed and 288 mg stay in the intestines, acting like a laxative. Most of the medical research done on magnesium employs magnesium oxide. Imagine how much more favorable the results would be if a more absorbable form of magnesium were used". pp. 246-247

And on magnesium malate which Sushi's doc recommends:

"Magnesium malate combines magnesium with malic acid, a weak organic acid found in vegetables and fruit, especially apples. The weak bond with magnesium makes it readily soluble in the body. " p. 246

It sounds like you might want to switch the magnesium hydroxide to glycinate or malate. Do you know why you chose that one to begin with? Who ever knew that choosing a magnesium supplement would be so complicated??

I have had major improvements in the following symptoms since starting magnesium: insomnia, leg pain, muscle spasms, light tolerance, and sound tolerance. I have also had major improvements in these weird symptoms that I can only describe as coughing asthma?, and some of the sadness that I have felt over losing my life to this illness. I also believe that I have been suffering from a magnesium deficiency for 2 decades, so I have gotten more dramatic results than others might get.

In any case, please keep us updated on what you are taking and how it is helping/or not helping you. Sharing your information with others can really help them make decisions to improve the quality of the lives.

Take care,



Hi Maxine,
Someone on the CFSFMexperimental list reported great improvements with the magnesium hydroxide.

But I really do feel it is dehydrating to me and will switch to another form.

Thank you for the information.


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Hi Maxine,
Someone on the CFSFMexperimental list reported great improvements with the magnesium hydroxide.

But I really do feel it is dehydrating to me and will switch to another form.

Thank you for the information.


Hi Susan,

Hope the information helps you. Magnesium hydroxide if I am not mistaken is actually Milk of Magnesia. I remember one person on CFSFMExperimental or Pro Health saying they had used that. I don't quite understand why it would work since it has such laxative qualities and it would just come out without absorption. But we can respond differently to the same stuff and maybe for her it was the way to go?

Again, please keep us updated on what you decide and how it works for you.

Take care,



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Clay Footbaths - AtlasPROfilax

Hi Maxine, :Retro smile:

I almost forgot to get back to your questions. Imagine that!

RE: I have read some about your good experiences with the clay footbaths. I have been looking at them at the Ancient Minerals site and they look more complicated than I would have thought. Can't remember where you order yours from, but I know it wasn't from the A.M. Could you post that again please? What made you decide to choose that brand?

I got my clay from a company called evenbetternow. I believe I remember the woman who started this company had ME/CFS and was able to improve significantly using some of the protocols she outlines on her website. I probably could have gotten some cheaper clay elsewhere, but this woman had a lot of credibility in my eyes, and I just chose to go with the product she recommends.

by Wayne
I might add one last item here. I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic about my chances for significant improvement for this year and beyond. I want to mention however, that I don't feel I would feel nearly so confident had I not done a unique atlas repositioning (first cervical vertebra) that released a tremendous amount of pressure on my cranial nerves.

My sister had this same technique done about two weeks ago, and within a few minutes, she mentioned how she felt a tremendous fog lift from her. She described this fog as something she had wondered for years if she would ever make her way out of.

This technique is called AtlasPROfilax. Chiropractors do not know how to do this. Only someone who's had training to do this and is certified can do it correctly. BTW, AtlasPROfilax practitioners have found that 99%+ of people have a misaligned atlas. If a person has had a serious injury, the misalignment could be worse and put that much more pressure on the cranial nerves.

by Maxine
Thanks for adding this, Wayne. It looks very interesting, especially to me, since I got CFS right after I was in a car wreck which jammed my chin into the steering wheel. I had xrays immediately following the wreck and they didn't see anything.

Maxine, I've yet to get around to posting extensively on this forum on my AtlasPROfilax experience, but I did so over on ProHealth board. I had a truly remarkable experience getting my atlas repositioned, and feel I'm still accruing benefits from having this done.

Of all the things I would sometimes like to shout from the rooftops, AtlasPROfilax would be toward the very top of my list. I think that just about anybody with just about any kind of health problems would do well to consider whether their atlas might be contributing to their problem.

I looked for years (decades) for a solution for myself (after a serious whiplash at age 15). I mostly went to different chiropractors using all kinds of different techniques. Nothing they did ever came close to the one-time atlas repositioning I received called AtlasPROfilax ($250). I would encourage everybody to research this to see if it might feel right for them to follow up on.

One woman on the ProHealth board recovered completely from fibromyalgia. She not only had so much pain, but was also on heavy duty medications for anxiety and depression. All this went away after the pressure was released from her cranial nerves. So many other testimonies out there as well; many that I've heard first hand.

Best Regards, Wayne

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Wayne/clay foot baths/Atlas Profilax

Hi Wayne,

Thanks for all the information!! I have visited the site regarding the foot baths and also the Pro Health board where you discuss your experience with Atlas Profilax. Have not yet worked my way all the way thru, will have to revisit.

Take care,

So. CA
Hi Wayne,
This AtlasProfilax interesed me when I saw your post some time ago. But my search came up with some bad stories of people ending up worse. Than was enough to scare me off.... I have had scoliosis since it was first detected at age 13. Recently I remembered that at a much earlier age I h ran head first into a pole while sledding !hmmm I will check the testimonials on Prohealth and see if I can find more than the bad stuff i saw by just doing a google search.
So. CA
Coffee E's have been a god-send to me. it relieves pain, the general toxic feeling and nausea. Is that book Detoxify or Die still the best info you have found on CE's.? Because sometines I would like to do more of them but am afraid. The authority I learned it from is the Gerson Institite after seeing the movie The Beautiful Truth i searched it out and read one book by Gerson anbd got thier basic enema information pamphlets. However, they specify all this potassium and other things you must take while doing CE's and that was to complicated for me and the potassium did not go down well. Any leads on clear info and protocol would be appreciated.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Coffee E's have been a god-send to me. it relieves pain, the general toxic feeling and nausea. Is that book Detoxify or Die still the best info you have found on CE's.? Because sometines I would like to do more of them but am afraid. The authority I learned it from is the Gerson Institite after seeing the movie The Beautiful Truth i searched it out and read one book by Gerson anbd got thier basic enema information pamphlets. However, they specify all this potassium and other things you must take while doing CE's and that was to complicated for me and the potassium did not go down well. Any leads on clear info and protocol would be appreciated.

Hi Thk u ...,

I haven't researched coffee enemas (CEs) for a number of years, so I can't say what new information might currently be available out there. I started a thread over on ProHealth a couple years ago where I posted about my experience with CEs and also posted some extra information about them. Click here to access that thread.

If you read much of it, you'll soon get the idea that I received some unpleasant replies to that thread, a number of which were deleted by the moderators. So I generally don't go out of my way to bring up the CE topic in a major way, such as starting a new thread here.

But I would be happy to share more about my experiences. I continue to do daily CEs and feel I derive a great amount of benefit from doing them. I suspect others with ME/CFS would also, but most people have a hard time understanding how a rather odd sounding therapy could have so much benefit, and never take the steps to research it further, and/or experiment enough to see whether it might be helpful for them.

I've got a pretty simple protocol I follow, and really do not go out of my way to supplement with potassium or anything else for that matter. BTW, I also view them as a God-send. My quality of life deteriorates (significantly) whenever I discontinue doing them. I suspect this will be the case until I can fully bring my methylation cycle back on line, and no longer need the extra detoxification support the CEs provide.

If you have any questions after checking out my above liink, I'd be happy to try to answer them the best I can.

Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Atlas Profilax

Hi Wayne,
This AtlasProfilax interesed me when I saw your post some time ago. But my search came up with some bad stories of people ending up worse. Than was enough to scare me off.... I have had scoliosis since it was first detected at age 13. Recently I remembered that at a much earlier age I h ran head first into a pole while sledding !hmmm I will check the testimonials on Prohealth and see if I can find more than the bad stuff i saw by just doing a google search.

Hi again Thk u,

I myself feel that the Atlas Profilax (AP) "repositioning" is much safer (and far more effective) than most chiropractic methods I've had experience with. I also realize that a lot of people are so closed-minded about any kind of "alternative" therapy, that they will be critical of it without ever taking the time to learn much about it.

Regarding people who have had "bad" experiences with AP: My take on this is that it is usually because their cranial nerves and/or various vertebrae have had so much pressure on them for such a long period of time, that an "integration process" is necessary before a new equilibrium is reached. That was the case for me, and it took me several days to achieve this new equilibrium. I know of one other person over at ProHealth (Crickett) who had a difficult time for several weeks, but I believe she eventually came out better for it.

Another thing to be aware of is that about 5-10% will need an additional correction after the initial repositioning. For those who do end up needing this, I can see where complications could arise. A significant shift has occurred in the body, and it is trying to integrate it. But if the atlas has slipped back out, then the body may be left in limbo. Fortunately, of the 5-10% that do need a followup correction, this is almost always the last time it will need to be done. BTW, there is never any additional fees for any followup work beyond the intial $250 cost for the AP.

I recently had my atlas re-checked, and found it that it is still in place after these past 2 1/2 years. I once heard the atlas described as being like a boulder. Once it's moved, it's generally very hard to move it again. In my case, a serious whiplash moved it a great deal, and all the chiropractic therapy I had done over the years never came close to "repositioning" it. Only the AP worked. Unfortunately, the chiropractic profession doesn't know how to do this, so you end up going back to them again and again and generally only end up getting temporary relief.

Hope this helps, and perhaps encourages you to explore this futher.

Regards, Wayne


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
Coffee enemas are one of the protocols that help me. I don't usually do them daily (although there are some weeks when I need to), but I can tell when I need one, and they noticeably help with detox symptoms. I'm on the Simplified Yasko right now.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I cant drink coffee....it speeds up the adrenaline tooo much and leaves me very ill for days. I wonder if coffee enemas would still make me sick in the same way if I tried them.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
Coffee enemas "shouldn't" get your adrenaline going; they didn't for me when I first started. In the last year or so, I've had to cut down the amount of coffee in the solution and hold it for a shorter amount of time, or I get a horribly buzzy feeling. I'm very careful now. I would ask a lot of questions and research it well before you try it. For me, they are a useful tool, but I recommend them to others with caution.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks for the warning... I will be really careful about this. is there anything else you can use instead of coffee? I think it is the bees knees tho.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
I had a doctor recommend green tea enemas to me. He even gave me a recipe for them which I can no longer find. Green tea is gentler than coffee (I don't think does the detox part as well), and is full of antioxidents. It felt good throughout my body. Just be aware, when you google enemas, that there are sites that are not about detoxing.