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Has aneorobic threshold testing helped you avoid/reduce PEM?


Senior Member
I was wondering how useful this type of testing has been to people. I've been using a heart rate monitor and based on the 220-age x .6 formula worked on keeping my hr under the estimated threshold. I have been actually having more PEM so I'm guessing my estimation of my threshold is wrong. For those who've had actual testing done, has it helped you avoid or reduce PEM by staying within your threshold?

Also, as far as testing goes, does AT get affected by PEM? So if you test on a good day and do not do a second day test, will your AT not be totally accurate on days when you are already under the effects of previous exertion? In other words, is it necessary to do a test two days in a row or is one sufficient/accurate enough for those with CFS/ME?

And one more sort of related question: Would this kind of exercise stress test prove useful for those with CFS (who don't suspect coronary artery disease)?
The info on the test says it can help evaluate exercise tolerance when patients have unexplained fatigue and shortness of breath. I'm not sure what is evaluated exactly. I can ask my doctor about this, but I just wondered if anyone may have any insight or done this type of test before.

Thank you.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
mmm, pre cfs i was quite big into weight lifting, boxing and other stop start type sprint sports. So i had good anaerobic fitness. When i got cfs and going through a good spell i could still do weight training as long as i didnt get out of breath, so i kept reps very low 1-3 range and i did get to lift quite heavy weights and was mostly able to recover, that was 10 yrs ago and i have slowly lost this anaerobic fitness and ability to recover from it. So i think its the use it or lose it think going on but its hard to use it when u have nothing in the tank but i think my previous fitness level has helped me survive this far.

I havent done any type of exercise for 12 months, but have just started some weight training 1-2 times a week(less then 20min) over the last couple of weeks. The weights i lift to me are rediculously light compared to what i use to do but they are alot better then an untrained person off the street, im hoping muscle memory kicks in and i can hold of crashing and getting PEM. I think because cfs has dysfunction in the mitochondria, it is almost impossible to do cardio training but i think weight training can be possible if one trains within their limits and doesnt push to the stage they are breathing hard, but also have to be at a reasonable functional level to start with.

I also think exercise recovery has alot to do with hormones like cortisol,dhea and testosterone and these hormones for me have slowly been declining as my fitness does. Currently im in the process of trying to fix these hormone issues with the hope that it improves my exercise recovery and i aviod PEM. Theres a reason why anabolic steriods help athletes, it helps them recover much faster then mortal men and women, but what im trying to do is get my hormonal levels upto just a mortal man, not a bodybuilder, so its more hormone/testosterone replacement therapy but with an eye on all the hormones, the right estrogen levels is also important in men as they are often elevated and can make men feel crappy etc etc



Senior Member
Thank you for sharing your experience and info Heapsreal.

I do want to clarify I am not talking about in my case recovering from exercise but just from regular exertion, like getting up and doing something in the kitchen or something. My hr has been pretty high and just going up the stairs slowly can bring it into that estimated threshold. Even standing up can do it for me. I mainly wondered if knowing one's AT would help in keeping daily exertion to a level that might help with avoiding PEM more than just pacing without any numbers might do.

I used to be very fit also. Now I have no muscle tone and it takes little to raise my heart rate to the estimated threshold. I overnight lost my ability to go up stairs without being out of breath, so it wasn't a deconditioning thing, although of course nw I'm sure I'm deconditioned too. I have been so inactive for a long time.

I hope the hormone stuff will help you be able to progress with fitness as well as overall symptom improvement. I'm getting mine checked too so maybe it will lead to something for me.


senior member
Concord, NH
I was wondering how useful this type of testing has been to people. I've been using a heart rate monitor and based on the 220-age x .6 formula worked on keeping my hr under the estimated threshold. I have been actually having more PEM so I'm guessing my estimation of my threshold is wrong. For those who've had actual testing done, has it helped you avoid or reduce PEM by staying within your threshold?

Also, as far as testing goes, does AT get affected by PEM? So if you test on a good day and do not do a second day test, will your AT not be totally accurate on days when you are already under the effects of previous exertion? In other words, is it necessary to do a test two days in a row or is one sufficient/accurate enough for those with CFS/ME?

And one more sort of related question: Would this kind of exercise stress test prove useful for those with CFS (who don't suspect coronary artery disease)?
The info on the test says it can help evaluate exercise tolerance when patients have unexplained fatigue and shortness of breath. I'm not sure what is evaluated exactly. I can ask my doctor about this, but I just wondered if anyone may have any insight or done this type of test before.

Thank you.

I had the testing done. I don't think it could be done in 1 day only, you wouldn't get the critical results, that the 2nd day endsup giving you. Some of us are Ok (can manage) on the 1st day of a short exercise, it's the 2nd day where the impacts are really shown!

I bought a HR monitor and got back on my bicycle last year, the HR was not powerful enough to warn me when I went over my HR. I had mine done in Ithaca, NY. If I recall correctly, my AT was at 129 BPM. I believe I was told by the people in Ithaca not go over 110 or so. I am sure I went over that. I started off easy, a short ride, didn't notice any major repercusions, demanding, Yes!


PS Feel free to PM, not sure I will be diligent with this threads updates.