do you know any more details about the german group ? like is there anywhere I could read about the dosage and frequency etc ?
regarding subgroups, I do not in any way mean to be disrespectful or dismissive but why would we think that autoimmune/immune dysfunction driven CFS people are a slice as opposed to all of us when we are talking about people who fit the more robust criteria (PEM , memory problems, comprehension and word finding problems, unrefreshing sleep, sensory overload, POTS or less specific OI etc) ? If NK cells being both ineffective and low in number is a common characteristic wouldn't this indicate most of us are this way either because of or VIA a mechanism of a now errant immune system ?
I ask because I want to keep my own expectations firmly in check RE this medication but at the same time I imagined that ritux or related drugs would easily treat more than 20% of us. don't we still have a long way to go with observing the rate and effect of B-cell depletion so a balance can be struck with spacing between infusions, how long a treatment schedule goes for and the actual dosage ?