Hard time on Hydrocortisone-Need support


Senior Member
North Carolina
I just started cortef a few days ago and I swear it is making me feel worse. I only took 5mg on Saturday...5mg on Sunday and then today. It is not helping through this crash and I have decided to stop taking it. I am going to taper though with 2.5 tomorrow and then the following couple of days.

I was on it long term (3years) from 2006 to 2009 and tapering off was a nightmare. It took me almost a year to go from 15mg down to 0. I can't ever say I really felt any better on it. I am not really sure I actually even needed to take it.

I have a huge problem with any kind of medication other than aspirin etc....anything prescription can become a fast nightmare.
@toy...I wouldn't take anything right now...just let everything calm down and see how you feel. I have gone from one thing to another in the past and it just made everything so much worse.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@soxfan -I was on it in 2002 and it helped but didn't restore my adrenals. I would like to try licorice at some point. Gosh, what does help the adrenals?? Yes, I was anxious as wholly hell on Cortèf. Never again!

I went off abruptly and I'm glad I did. I was a mess on it.

Good luck and I hope you don't have too much trouble tapering down.


Senior Member
North Carolina
@toy...it never restored my adrenals either because I have had a couple cortisol saliva tests since and according to the testing they are still bottomed out. I am not sure if the testing is not accurate or what.

I did have the ACTH test done and they told me my adrenals were working just fine and that is when they tapered me off. I have no clue to all of this but I am going to stop the cortef. I was just hoping it would help pull me out of this crash.

I have only been on three days so I should have no problem...


Senior Member
My daughter tried Cortef a couple of years ago, and just got very tired. She tried it again this year following the protocol outlined by stopthethyroidmadness.com and the book they have published, and it has made a significant difference. We realised she had started much too low last time - 10mg. Need to start at 20/25mg, but it's important to follow their instructions for testing and safely increasing. It is very comprehensive.
Curious how things are? I started HC three months ago in addition to changing a thyroid protocol. I continue to go down hill rapidly. I am currently taking 15 of HC, 7.5, 5, 2.5. First dose at 10am. I have horrific anxiety -won't leave house, cry all day. When I try to wean, I get vertigo, nausea, and fluish feeling. Any thoughts?