H2S warning back in 1999...


Senior Member
This is interesting, Dan. Thanks for posting it. Amazing this theory has actually been around for 10 years or longer.

So, what does one do then if tested positive? It seems there's conflicting information out there on what food promotes or combats H2S. This site lists meat (except turkey) as bad, when others list it as good. This list also says cheese is good, when Dr. Cheney and Dr. Myhill say cheese should be forbidden.

So, which direction to go?


Senior Member
Sorry Laurel!

My god...my brainfog is so bad, I barely remembered posting this article!

So...three months later(!), here's my two cents:

I think it all depends on our different issues, and our 'body-types'. I come to diet issues from a TCM (the yin-yang balance) or Ayurvedic perspective, which says that meals should be adjusted to create more of a balance so that healing can take place.

For example, TCM categorizes different foods as being 'heating' (yang) or 'cooling' (yin). Yang foods can be certain (but not all) meats, cheeses, and of course the obvious ones like garlic and other spices, while "yin" foods are things like lemons (very cooling) or celery, apples, etc...

Yang foods are also sometimes described as 'building' (when balanced), while yin foods are moistening, and nourishing (when balanced). When unbalanced...too much yang or yin...then yang is considered 'excessive' or 'overbuilt', and too much yin (with not enough yang foods) can become 'deficient'. It's more complex than that, but that's a jumping off point.

So if one is always very cold, then one may be not getting enough yang foods in their diet. If one is overheated, (in more ways than one) then they may need more yin foods...it's all about finding that balance.

We're all so different. That's why what works for one person is not going to work for another and may even be harmful. It's unfortunately also why this disease is so difficult to treat and recover from.

Difficult, but not impossible...

Hope you're having a 'better' day Laurel. And again, sorry for the extremely late reply!


p.s. maybe we should start a TCM-(Yin-Yang) thread......?


Senior Member
TCM Thread

Hi Danny,
YES, I would love to see a TCM thread. Maybe throw in some Ayerveda too.

For example, I am always too cold, but I also have a serious anger problem. So, do I need more Yin or more Yang foods? Very confusing.

Ayervedically speaking, I am a one dosha Pitta person living in the only Pitta state in America, which is very bad for health. My husband's work is not portable, so we can't move.

I've been to 2 acupuncturists during my 24 yrs. of illness. The first one said my whole problem was a metabolism too slow to remove toxins from my body, but I got no help at all after 22 sessions and could not afford to throw good money after bad.

By the time I got to the second one, she examined me and said I was probably much too ill for her to help me now, and she wished I'd come ten yrs. earlier. We tried for 2 years, but there was no lasting improvement and the money ran out.



Senior Member
Hi Klutzo...

I've gotta sign off for now, and perhaps for a couple of days, but if my brain melts between now and then, please shoot me an email and we'll start a thread.

The yin-yang thing can be very difficult to balance, (and ayurveda is very similar -- I'm mostly vata, but have kapha digestion(!) and can get pretty pitta at times! lol -- but I think I'm finally on to some things that are helping me to stay a little more balanced, so as not to swing from hot to cold so frequently.

And I'm usually freezing...at least my feet...and thyroid tests (the 'special' ones) all are normal. TCM and ayurveda show that coldness or the opposite can be due to other things............

'talk' soon!



Senior Member
South East England, UK

I've gotta sign off for now, and perhaps for a couple of days, but if my brain melts between now and then, please shoot me an email and we'll start a thread.

The yin-yang thing can be very difficult to balance, (and ayurveda is very similar -- I'm mostly vata, but have kapha digestion(!) and can get pretty pitta at times! lol -- but I think I'm finally on to some things that are helping me to stay a little more balanced, so as not to swing from hot to cold so frequently.

And I'm usually freezing...at least my feet...and thyroid tests (the 'special' ones) all are normal. TCM and ayurveda show that coldness or the opposite can be due to other things............

Hi Dan

As you probably know just cos your thyroid blood tests are in the normal range it doesn't mean that it is getting into your cells. Exactly the same with the adrenals. You could be extremely hypothyroid yet have normal blood test results.

In 2000 when I was severely hypothyroid due to mercury and nickel poisoning my blood tests were all in the normal range. Both these substances can stop the HPA axis working so you get normal blood tests. My body temperature was consistently low around 36 degree C and I had all the symptoms of ME/CFS.

However in 02 I found a knowledgeable doctor who was able to put my symptoms and blood/saliva tests together and started me on dessicated thyroid and hydrocortisone and I got immediate benefits, not cured at all but I had a life.

Very recently I had an adrenal crash which I partly brought on myself by doing too much and not stress dosing my steroids plus I was taking some T3 as well as dessicated thyroid which I have found out isn't a good idea.

I have had the thyroid tests redone by my GP and for the first time ever my pituitary is acting in a normal manner. My free T4 was below bottom of the range and TSH had raised up to 5.3. This is the first time ever this has happened and I believe it is cos I have got rid of so many heavy metals (3 years of urine toxic elements test proves this). I also take supplements to help me methylate properly which are obviously working and I have been on these for 3 1/2 years.

Its pretty obvious I only need a tiny amount of dessicated thyroid now compared to what I did need because of the recovery of my pituitary and its difficult to know exactly what will be needed. I have just taken my temperature and its just under at perfect 37 degrees at 36.9.

The obvious conclusion is that you cannot go by thyroid or cortisol blood tests alone cos they don't tell the whole picture.
