H Pylori


Near Cognac, France
Like many of us I've had upper and lower GI tract problems since the outset and its been the most constant set of symptoms I've had to deal with and something I've always considered to be an integral part of 'my' ME/CFS.

I had all the usual GI tests done in the early 1990s (after the H Pylori paper was published but before testing and treatment for it was commonplace) and all that they found was 'ideopathic malabsorbtion'.

I couldn't manage without cimetidine for many years, then all of a sudden the upper GI problems vanished but I still had ongoing food intolerances, bloating and IBS.

My question is : has anyone tested positive for H Pylori and benefitted from either the orthodox triple therapy or alternative remedies like mastic gum or Manuka honey?

Getting some relief from the GI problems would be a massive step forward for me but I couldn't help being intigued by this site's description of additional symptoms caused by H Pylori (I'm not exactly sure where he gets this information from so take it with a large pinch of salt - but inflammatory cytokines could easily produce these symptoms) :



Senior Member
Hi Marco,

I had a few bouts of severe gastritis (stomach lining inflammation) about a month ago, combined with severe epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting etc. After an early am trip to the emergency department my Dr recommended a test for H. Pylori (as gallbladder scan was negative). I've just finished a weeks worth of triple therapy on last thursday as my H. Pylori test was positive. My doc recommended the treatment due to the possibility of future development of an ulcer and the H.pylori links with stomach cancer.

I can't tell you yet if the triple therapy has made me feel better. The treatment was pretty rough though with the high dose antibiotics (nausea, stomach pains, headaches, increased flu-like symptoms).

I'll let you know how I go!

Just a quick question, was your H.Pylori test positive or negative?


Near Cognac, France
Thanks for that TinyT.

I haven't been tested as yet and not sure my GP would agree to the test as I haven't had the 'classic' upper GI symptoms for 15 years or more but I don't doubt that the original symptoms and the current symptoms are the same ongoing problem.

I could try asking to be tested or alternatively I'd be tempted try something like mastic on spec for a month or so and see if it helps - even if I don't have a postive test at the moment.


Senior Member
Marco, you can find a thread in this section on H.Pylori, some of us have been treated for it.

Like yourself I also had GI problems during the onset of ME, really bad. I continued suffering for 5 years(and getting worse) because no one thought to test me because I had so many other symptoms to deal with.
Eventually I was tested by a Virologist because I was literally crawling on the floor and bent over in pain and nausea. I was successfully treated with Biaxin, Flagyl and Losac(a stomach acid reducer). My gut has been feeling good since the treatment.

I did take Mastica gum AFTER treatment for a while but in the last few years I've been eating RAW unpasterized sauerkraut to keep my gut heathly.

I would not rely on "natural supplements" to treat this bacteria because they are not effective and H.Pylori can lead to stomach cancer down the road, it's not something to play around with.



Senior Member
In January I got really sic with what my dr thought was gallstones. Turned out it was h pylori. They put me on the 2abx,pep to, and an acid blocker.
The abx was hard to take. I only managed half the dose per day and did a week, not the whole two weeks, they made me feel soo sick;(

I did however start mastic gum, and lauricidin. I retested in march, and it showed the bacteria was gone. If you can tolerate it, take all your abx AND the mastic gum(you can with the abx) I'm still taking the mastic gum and lauricidin. The tummy still feels raw and painful.

I really have to watch what i eat, or the bloat,heartburn,and pain comes back. Drinking kefir seems to help some too.good luck, I hope your feeling better,it's no walk in the park!!



Near Cognac, France
Thanks all and thanks Mij for the heads up on the thread. I don't know how my key word search missed that.

I'll have to give this some thought for several reasons. I really don't want to make things worse and there are many anecdotes that the triple therapy is tough and may not be fully effective.

In addition I tend to be very sensitive to most medications and have a severe allergy to mycin antibiotics so that might be a problem.