Just wondering if anyone was scoped to find out they had H. pylori or scoped afterward...? It's something I would like to pursue and it seems like the only real test of just what's going on "in there." That's probably not the case though if you have really acute onsets like some of you are describing with bent-over, excruciating pain though. I think I had those really acute symptoms years ago, but it took 10 yrs of speaking about the symptoms (and an out-of-network doctor to order that testing) to even have a lot of my symptoms seriously addressed.
Good thread and very useful info. Now I know to clear my schedule for when I try this; that's for sure. If I end up trying the Pyloricin and have any good results, I will be sure to post about it. It sounds like it might be worth a serious try before all of the abx, and since it was a specialist MD who recommended it, I have to assume that he's used it with some success before.
Kat, I feel for you with the doxy; I just can't tolerate that at all... When I tried to take it several years ago, I ate (what you can eat with it, and 4 hrs before and after) to ensure that I wouldn't get sick and promptly vomited about twenty minutes after each pill. It's a real no-no for me--I wouldn't put myself through it again! Sounds like your doc missed the boat not telling you to take probiotics, at least afterward. There is a prescription-strength probiotic, VSL-3, that some people use (dairy-derived though for those who are sensitive) and it sounds like a really serious probiotic and worth a try if you could get your doc to prescribe it. The protocol(s) sound like there wouldn't even be a point to taking probiotics until you're done with the abx; I can't imagine anything could survive that number of abx!