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Gumweed leaf tea helped me overcome Covid

I have a pre-existing condition, multiple chemical sensitivities, which upon more recent testing looks to be caused by an insufficiency of the appropriate amino acids as well as mercury poisoning which allowed candida, SIBO, H. pylori, and ulcers to flourish. I was worried for a bit when the coronavirus came to the US. I thought I had it but then as it turned out it was just the flu because when I did get it for the first time, my lung capacity was reduced to half of what it was normally, when I breathed my lungs felt like I was breathing against something surrounding them. I tried sleeping and drinking water more than usual, but that didn't help. I tried osha root tea thinking that this virus may be like influenza and thus the osha root should help, it had no effect. I tried japanese knotweed extract which had no effect. I tried some berberines but that didnt work either, it was a pill form, not a natural source such as oregon grape root or goldenseal. Then I tried gumweed leaf tea as I knew it was useful for lung viral infections and that did work. Within an hour of drinking gumweed leaf tea, my breathing capacity returned back to normal, but then an hour after that my eyes felt like they were burning and I went to sleep. Over the next two days, I drank the tea until it had no effect and I was almost back to normal. A day after that I was back to normal.

Then 3 weeks after the first infection recovery, I got infected again, this time I could only take quarter breaths. This time, I added zinc pills to my gumweed leaf tea treatment and the same thing happened whereby my breathing returned back to normal an hour after drinking the tea and an hour after that my eyes felt like they were burning. I slept over 2 days and took 100mg of zinc glycinate daily (easily found at your local drug store) and I returned back to normal and the treatment had no effect.

The interesting thing with gumweed leaf tea is that the tea tastes disgusting if you had too much, I guess it is the body's way of telling you you had enough selenium which gumweed is known to concentrate ~500x compared to the soil thus it is hard to overdose as compared to selenium pills. My blood tests show I have higher than normal amounts of zinc and selenium which could explain also what effect gumweed is having whereby the quercitin and other compounds are zinc ionophores. John Mionczynski thinks gumweed works on lung viral infections because the immune system is rate limited by protein synthesis and thus supplementing with a necessary precursor of selenium in this disease state assists the body in fighting the infection. Remember this is anecdotal and that is why I applied for a wikimedia grant but never heard back from them.

If you did want to try gumweed leaf tea make sure to get the actual dried leaf, it is not commercialized and thus if you find it then it is likely not to be devoid of nutrients but dont get tincture or already prepared mixtures having gumweed, those have a tendency to be watered down, scams, or oxidized/denatured. I found some on etsy and it is nothing like the gumweed I used. Zinc is pretty universal and not likely to be done incorrectly yet don't expect it to work on its own.

I couldnt get the PCR test as the doctor said the results were unreliable. I did get the antibody test but it was 4 months after my last bought with the illness and it came back negative which is typical after 8 weeks from getting over the illness and I got it from a different doctor that I pay out of pocket rather than going through insurance.
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I should clarify. I had the flu back in January of 2020, I thought it was covid but then figured out it was the flu later when I actually got covid, I thought in my case that covid affected me like the flu. In March 2020, I got covid at least according to the symptoms, in this case only being able to take half breaths and realized the January 2020 illness was just a flu and that what I experience in March 2020 was the real deal of covid. 3 weeks later, I got covid again, just much quickly and severely.


Senior Member
@max_yazhbin What's your favorite source for a high quality gumweed leaf? I don't actually know if the lung problems I had in March 2020 were Covid or not. I could not get tested at the time. I'm trying to stock up on remedies because this thing is not over yet.


Senior Member
I should clarify. I had the flu back in January of 2020, I thought it was covid but then figured out it was the flu later when I actually got covid, I thought in my case that covid affected me like the flu. In March 2020, I got covid at least according to the symptoms, in this case only being able to take half breaths and realized the January 2020 illness was just a flu and that what I experience in March 2020 was the real deal of covid. 3 weeks later, I got covid again, just much quickly and severely.

Max, are you having any long COVID symptoms?
The gumweed I had was from a friend, he wild harvested it, and he doesn't have anymore, but I bought some more at https://prairieedge.com/all-products/gumweed-by-the-package/ and it didn't have any effect on me but then again I had gotten over all of the covid strains by that time, if I get it again, I was drink the new one and compare it to the old one. I don't have any long covid symptoms although I have ME/CFS which I had before covid, thus my pre-covid symptoms are the exact same ones as my post-covid ones. Iron bisglycinate is helping me tremendously as it turns out my ferritin is low and I am trying to get a cure to my candida infection but infectious disease doctors are in short supply due to covid.


Senior Member
Hate to revive an ancient topic but I decided to give gumweed a go again as I found some in my cabinet, I was much worse when I last tried so my results from it back then were probably a little skewed and more unclear. I'm not too worried about the selenium content as I'm having a little over half a teaspoon a brew. Definitely within the hour feel quite a better with the same eye burning thing Max gets that he mentioned in another post (I also get this same sensation in cheeks and forehead alternating). I think I'm gonna keep at this as I appear to handle it pretty well now. Currently this will be in my herbal stack with cistus incanus, green tea, and propolis. On hand I always have osha root extract too but I don't use that one too often anymore.