It's no better in the US. I forgot where(surprise surprise) I read this but some agency wanted to completely stop funding research on the cause of GWS and focus on treating the symptoms. The veterans hospitals here are an absolute disgrace. There are a ton of documented stories about these poor soldiers coming home with PTAs and trying to book a spot for the VA psych only to be told that they have to wait 6 months to a year to see someone. Turns out a bunch ended up killing themselves because they couldn't deal with it any more. These poor people made a huge sacrifice for their country only to be abandoned by that same country. It's a very revealing look into what the govt really feels about their vets. It'll be a very satisfying day when this disease can be forever crossed off the psychosomatic list.
alas the truth ALWAYS is, that while most join up to help their country or cause, politicians almost ALWAYS *use* them as thugs, to rob and steal other peoples' stuff, and want rid of them when they have what they want so won't pay a penny to help them.
it's the plain ugly truth throughout history.
Doesn't matter that the service folk are decent, it's the awful uses to which they are put, see Iraq, invasion over a lie. Mass robbery by armed force, and when folk find that out, puts even bigger toll on their minds.
Nowadays Western militaries do a lot to prevent any psychopaths joining up, and have tight laws and behaviours to enforce good, ethical behaviour. Most of the folk in any service will aid civilians whenever they can because they are decent people themselves.
But war is chaotic hell and innocents will always get slaughtered by accident or when some deliberately goo too far, for example General Giap in North Vietnam decided to use excessive brutality, murder etc to provoke American into bad behaviour so there'd be a "war to the knife" with no surrender possible, and it worked
thus like it or not atrocities were carried out by American forces and since most of them were just ordinary decent folk, that drove many insane.
An Indian rajah did similar thing in the Indian Mutiny, he demanded British women and children he'd captured be butchered and thrown into a well, but the ordinary Indian people refused and prevented him from doing so until he got some "untouchables" threatened their families so they did the atrocity...and sparked horrendous backlash form British forces. And the British government tossed the broken soldiers onto the streets...just like they have done nowadays
While atrocities by our forces are rare now, the enemy are either forced to use irregular warfare or are scumbags
battles are bad enough, but never knowing when a booby trap will gut you is far far worse, as it's
constant fear
thus psychological toll is enormous
You note my signature "if you want to enemies, try to change something"
that's a large part of the VA's problem
it's a fact of life that lazy useless God forsaken pencil pushing small minded bureaucrats and politicians HATE being bothered or made to think, so they will just push the problem away...which is large part of what's happened at the VA
Also, they are such petty swine, they fight wars over bureaucratic "turf" how big their budget is etc, and do nothing to FIX things.
The Austerity garbage going on in the UK is the SAME garbage as happened in Germany just before the Nazis came to power and for the SAME reasons
it's so the Elite don't have to pay tax, they'd rather millions died form failing infrastructure, closed hospitals etc, than pay a PENNY in tax
Thus the Elite don't give a damn about US or Uk soldiers
Also, FREE medical treatment? the corporations hate that, they want everyone to pay in BLOOD for health.
thus, Wessely etc push the interests of people who don't want "troublesome" people healed, or free or fair treatment, or exposing the problems caused by the insane and very real "Industrial-Military Complex"
Can't have people questioning why we put nerve gas on our food, our animals, on our gardens, in our aircraft, or sell it to Saddam Hussein etc