I just came across this very old news story from 2004... I think it's very interesting:
A UK army psychiatrist says that he has found a link between vaccines given to soldiers before being deployed, and Gulf War Syndrome...
It's interesting because it suggests that the vaccines are the
cause of GWS...
and that a symptom of GWS, in certain cases, is an (auto) immune system disorder which includes osteoporosis.
There was another article posted recently about vaccines... It was to do with the CDC researcher who ran off with $2 millions...
It has been discovered that all of this researcher's studies, which he carried out for the CDC, looking into the link between autism and vaccines, maybe corrupt.
He was doing research in Denmark because Denmark has banned mercury being used in vaccines, so he was looking to see if there is a reduction in autism rates in Denmark...
so he was researching the link between mercury in vaccines and autism.
The idea is that mercury is a neuro-toxin, and could cause autism, or be a determining factor in autism in some children.
I've been thinking about two other connections that there maybe between XMRV, GWS, Autism, mercury and vaccines:
I have seen it suggested that there maybe a link between ME and vaccines, and I was receiving high dose Hepatitis vaccines just before i got ME, because i was working as a health care employee in a hospital. (Do they really use mercury in vaccines as a preservative? I just find this totally crazy! I just can't believe that anyone could think this is a good idea!)
Also, Judy Mikovits says she has found a connection between atypical Autism and XMRV.
So does this mean that there might be a link between the mercury in vaccines, and susceptibility to XMRV?
i.e. is there a link between mercury in vaccines, XMRV, autism, GWS and ME?
(Of course we might yet find out that XMRV doesn't play a role in ME, and that ME, autism and GWS are caused by some other disease process related to neuro-toxicity or an auto-immune disorder etc.)