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Guardian article: ME affects four times as many women as men. Is that why we’re still disbelieved?

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
Just read the top 20 comments or so. As of THIS MOMENT, there are three comments that would be unpopular on these forums, but all three make sensible (even if incorrect or irrelevant) points. One is basically "ME is a misleading name, yay SEID!"; another makes sensible points about the interactions between the physical and the psychological; the third one is from a patient who claims to have benefitted from GET, but is careful to point out that he wasn't cured.

I'd say discussion is going pretty favorably...
I agree that the comments are favourable on the whole. I wouldn't bother overly much about which comments have the most upvotes; the way to get the highest upvotes on The Guardian comments section is to get in the first five and say something, anything, fairly reasonable.
It's unusual to see comments being premoderated though, they must see ME as being very contentious, and this is slowing the debate which seems to be keeping the tone fairly respectful, the scrum isn't as fierce as usual.


Senior Member
Guardian said:
Graded exercise and CBT came to be the standard treatments for patients on the NHS as a result of a hugely controversial £5m trial – known as the Pace trial
Actually the NICE guidelines have recommended CBT and GET since 2007 (before the PACE trial was published).

One comment that I applauded was:
MrsSowester said:
People with ME don't denigrate mental illness, they forced to constantly repeat the fact that ME isn't a mental illness because it isn't. It is as simple as that.
I've got an apple, you've got an orange mate! My apple categorically isn't an orange. That doesn't mean I dislike your orange. That doesn't mean I look down on your orange. It just means my apple is not the same as your orange.
Now you can paint my apple orange and call it an orange, but it will still be an apple.
And you can give it all the orange specific medicine you like but it wont get any better because it is an apple, it will always be an apple, it needs apple specific medicine because it is an apple.


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
People with ME don't denigrate mental illness, they forced to constantly repeat the fact that ME isn't a mental illness because it isn't. It is as simple as that.
I've got an apple, you've got an orange mate! My apple categorically isn't an orange. That doesn't mean I dislike your orange. That doesn't mean I look down on your orange. It just means my apple is not the same as your orange.
Now you can paint my apple orange and call it an orange, but it will still be an apple.
And you can give it all the orange specific medicine you like but it wont get any better because it is an apple, it will always be an apple, it needs apple specific medicine because it is an apple.

Britain's next big government-funded clinical study: "Treatment of CFS with Apple Medicine". Rev up your grant proposals, gentlemen! ;)


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
@Mrs Sowester "I've got an apple".........'they' would simply tell you you only think it's an apple.:bang-head:

An orange engaging in apple behavior, if you will. Real horrorshow! :D


Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
Now if anyone would like to give me a hand I'm having a spat with a pompous twit called Credula and I've got serious headfog... If you order by most recent he'll be a few threads down.


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
Dont talk to me about Showalter, or the disgraceful absence of critique of Hystories from academic feminists. So much for sisterhood. Again, the only significant critiques of Hystories was from ME advocates Kennedy and Schweitzer.

This thread is very much relevant here, assuming you read the paper in the right spirit.

Mrs Sowester

Senior Member
I'm Hamster100. ....will join you @Mrs Sowester .
Thank you, I'm far too tired to think about this logically - and he could sooo easily be taken down if I had my wits about me today! He's just told me I'm detracting from the real suffering of people with this condition with evidence free misattribution and persecution paranoia.