Guardian article about Covid long-haulers & ME/CFS


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
My only fear was that they would still not see that ME/CFS is just as bad as what they are going through now. I was hoping they would be able to recognize that all these approaches did not work for us either but some of the comments in this article make me think we will be left behind again. She's already set her condition apart from ours.

"Graded exercise, an approach that has been used to manage patients with other post-viral fatigue, wasn’t working;" (It doesn't work for us either.)

"But one thing has been evident for some time: this is not a straightforward post-viral syndrome, and requires a different approach." (ME/CFS has never been straightforward--in no way, shape or form but it sounds like in her mind it has.)

So sad.
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Senior Member
U.S., Earth
From the Guardian article in the original post:
Guardian said:
There needs to be more emphasis on lifestyle interventions with a broader understanding of integrative practice. The goal of these prevention strategies is to help Americans live longer, live healthier, and live cheaper. Simply put, preventative healthcare saves money and lives. For instance, researchers have recently discovered that type 2 diabetes can be reversed with early intervention. Headway has been made in treating multiple sclerosis and lupus with immune treatments, as well as with diet and exercise. Almost all chronic diseases are preventable by integrative practices and early intervention.

As we have come to expect from the Guardian, both articles are terrible.


Senior Member
the British Problem....(no offense to anyone British)...not up on the lastest modification to the NICE guidelines.
You are so right. And I am British. There seems to be such resistance to trying anything else but GET and CBT. (With the exception of Dr Sarah Myhill, who has had her own tussles with the "medical establishment")


Senior Member
"Graded exercise, an approach that has been used to manage patients with other post-viral fatigue, wasn’t working;" (It doesn't work for us either.)

"But one thing has been evident for some time: this is not a straightforward post-viral syndrome, and requires a different approach." (ME/CFS has never been straightforward--in no way, shape or form but it sounds like in her mind it has.)
Maybe she's just trying do distanciate her condition from all the bad stigma surrounding ME/CFS? It's easier to start from 0 (set a new condition), then trying to repair the negative outlook that is already ingrained with ME/CFS. I haven't read the article, so I could be completely wrong thou...

It's silly to do that, but it may be a way to get more funding for non-psycological research, this research would benefit ME/CFS too.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Maybe she's just trying do distanciate her condition from all the bad stigma surrounding ME/CFS? It's easier to start from 0 (set a new condition)
Doing this might be a good strategy at the doctors office but writing an article like that would throw CFS under the bus as it essentially confirms that CFS should be treated with Graded Execise.

Having said that I haven't read the article either.


Senior Member
I read the article and I was quite upset after that.
Im sorry but the author of the article is a really stupid woman!

she really thinks her case is unusual,because GET didnt work for her,obviously not wanting to know that it never has worked for pwME either.

The article is a slap in the face for pwME. but its from the Guardian,so should have expected that...