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Great article in the Washington Post

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
You have to wonder what drives Not Even Bothering to Order a Simple Test.

In the US, its private insurers so whats driving this? $$$$

HMO? discourages doctors from actually seeking tests. They are paid to NOT refer you. Its captitated.

I am recalling when I had an HMO, they get oh around $30 a month to "keep you healthy" (times two people) while I was being charged around $1200 a month which is used by my insurer to build sky scrapers with their names on it.

PPO: doctors will call and refuse the appointment you made, so they won't even provide you with a recommendation of WHO to see that COULD help if only they felt like it.

PPO is crap, too.

Medicare has books you can't read that explain Why your denied X or Y.

This pain thing is very wrong and when will it stop?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I've posted so many articles on sexism in the medical community and women and their dismissal by the Drs who are supposed to treat them, including in pain management, that the mods finally combined them all into one long, long thread ....which of course, as I predicted, has vanished from the 'What's New' pages and can only be found after a long, long search ....

Medical Sexism In Healthcare Is Real … Women Are Sharing Times They Were Misdiagnosed Because Their Doctors Didn't Take Them Seriously

Medical Sexism – It’s Not All In Our Minds, Women Are Often Treated Differently


Senior Member
small town midwest
Maybe we need a couple different topic threads around medical sexism, like pain, misdiagnosis, psychologization. This article has all of those. Washington Post is also inviting people to share stories about these topics (the info is in the article), if anyone has the energy.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
This article talks about how women's pain is dismissed and women are not allowed to be the expert of their own bodies. It's just so good to see these issues gaining more attention.

Not sure if you're aware, but the link you posted is behind a pay wall, at least when I try to bring it up, which is going to discourage most of us from reading it .... it certaily discouraged me ($40.00 for a beginning subscription) ...

Am posting a link below to the Yahoo version, just in case others get the same pay wall that I did ... it's too good an article to miss, and thank you @wabi-sabi for posting it. Also, giving you credit for providing it, I'm adding it to my long string of medical sexism and contemptuous dismissal of almost any medical issue women bring to them. This includes, by and large, female Drs who you'd hope would have more emapthy and understanding ....

From heart disease to IUDs: How doctors dismiss women's pain

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
AHA !!!! They must have heard me. The second time I brought up the article it had the same paywall demand, byt this time you could click the down arrow and most of it disappeared (this option wasn't available the first time), making the article more available tho still partly obscured by the "subscribe" thingy .... still, totally readable ... ad the stories at the bottom are heart-breaking....
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