Hello... sorry I have not been keeping up with my weekly posts.. I tend to say nothing when things are not going well.
Tumbled all the way to the bottom of he mountain again.
Maybe a little more vertical than I was when I started but feeling like absolute DOO. My pain level has increased - not decreased - my pain med intake has gone up not down.... I did have a two week bounce after my last infusion where flu symptoms and fatigue decreased quite a bit - but PAIN has always been a CONSTANT!!
Had my 3rd infusion yesterday. Went ok... had a bout of severe nausea this time. So now, as usual, I wait and wonder!! Really starting to lose my patience.................................................................
Dr. Kogelnik says the average response with Rituxan is around 22 weeks... and I am only at 13 weeks (i think)... my brain is also REALLY bad especially when it comes to numbers...
I told Dr. K that my entire body feels "bruised" to the touch...most areas when pressed on feel like you are pressing on a BRUISE... Do all you have that? I also have VERY tender bones when pressed on... I just feel like a like a living, breathing vessel of PAIN...aching burning pain... The slightest bit of exercise makes my musles so sore and stiff....
I showed him a book on CFS/FM titled BETRAYAL OF THE BRAIN-Dr. Goldstein MD... that describes a theory of the Limbic system of the brain becomes damaged with an infection of some sort.. Lyme?EBV? HHV6? Then gets stuck in a cycle of sending out pain signals. Dr. K had not seen it and seemed somewhat interested.
Have any of u read the book?
If I don't improve on the Rituxan......I am going to explore the BRAIN/PAIN connection... I just want a life ... is that too much to ask??
Sorry I don't have more positive things to report!!!