You're reacting to the juices now too? Maybe salicylates? I tried juicing about 2 or so years ago and it was horrible. I didn't know I had a really strong salicylate sensitivity then tho.
Hi hixxy,
I definitely was reacting to juicing. I've been off of it for 2 -3 days and I'm sleeping great again.
I "think" it started out helping my body process b6 into p5p because
I got soooo much energy and feeling of wellness just like I did with p5p. And like p5p, mb12, adb12 the nutrients, or whatever ?, proved to be too much for me.
It's interesting to me that these nutrients make me feel healthy for awhile and then it just stops. I wonder if my up regulated immune system starts creating antibodies to these after awhile.
fwiw this may be what some call a herx reaction but
I'm not willing to take klonopin so I can sleep if eliminating the source of the insomnia solves it. Having a 2 hour seizure where my lungs stopped working sporadically was too scarey for me to risk it happening again.
I'll just juice less often or juice different fruits and veggies.
My reactions make it difficult to determine what's a good energy booster and what's not.
I think I'm good with sals but thanks. I have problems with other food categories, oxalates, so I get this.
Tc .. X