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Going under/anesthesia as a last resort


Senior Member
Has anyone's doctor ever suggested to be made unconscious and then treated (with anti neuroinflammation medication, medication that one usually wouldn't tolerate, TPN), potentially as a last resort to a situation where nothing at all is tolerated?

I have my doubts that the body wouldn't reject things later. Also there seems to be nociception even under GA.

Thoughts appreciated.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Is it even a possibility? I mean have you found a doctor/hospital willing to do that for you?

And I don't want to sidetrack your thread that much but I do wonder if you and your doctor have looked into other things like Autoimmune Encephalitis. I believe they treat that with things like IVIG. I just wonder if that could be helpful to you.


Senior Member
Yes my love has discussed this with one of my ME doctors, and yes I've done a lumbar puncture a long time ago to exclude this, from which I have one or two chronic iatrogenic CSF leaks. I don't have any autoimmune markers and had extensive testing, but I wouldn't tolerate medication anyways. Things like IV would have to be done under anesthesia due to extreme hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli and every medication. Hence the question.

Yes this is why I'm asking, regarding the possibility and whether anyone knows about it.

For reference, a knife full of harmless medication puts me in month long agony. (is it even a possibility? :) yes it is)


Senior Member
Montana, USA
Perhaps a possible benefit would be if you have a psychological component to your allergy/allergies. I'll explain. So I have had NAET done on me, which works for some people for the removal of allergies. It involves Kinesiology, where in the beginning stage the doctor checks to see if you have a psychological connection to the allergy, or if it just physical.

An example of this:
When I studied psychology in college, I remember reading about a case with multiple personality disorder where one personality was allergic to orange juice (I think breaking out in hives), yet another personality had no allergic response to drinking orange juice.

I never had a psychological connection to my allergies.


I wonder if there's something more like a rest home that would do this, rather than a hospital? May be more likely in Europe where they had all the health spas in the mountains for alternative treatments.

Sorry to hear your situation is so bad that this is what you are looking into.


Senior Member
The situation is so bad that it doesn't even seem to be a possibility lol

Thank you

There's no psychological component other than neuropsych mast cell effects (they can release serotonin) and inflammatory PEM.

But in my humble view anesthesia itself can have a disturbing effect on the ANS and has done so in the past to me even when I was healthy, with a harmless surgery.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
But in my humble view anesthesia itself can have a disturbing effect on the ANS and has done so in the past to me even when I was healthy, with a harmless surgery.
It sounds to me like you are more concerned about the TPN, but I just wanted to let you know that hypnosis is successfully being used in replacement of anesthesia. Here's an example of it being used with children for superficial surgery: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36690538/

I wish you the best in finding a solution.


Senior Member
In my position and reactions to anything it's reasonable to think about the potential issues. ;)
Not more concerned about TPN.. about anything really as my body rejects anything and I'm not sure that this is the solution.

Hence asking.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
But in my humble view anesthesia itself can have a disturbing effect on the ANS and has done so in the past to me even when I was healthy, with a harmless surgery.
I share your humble opinion. GA, actually any kind of anesthesia including local (tho to a much lesseer extent, if you;re lucky), has a devastatng effect on brain function, neurotransmitters, the vagus nerve, the gut micrbiome, nicotinic and muscarinic chholinergic resceptors which dramatically afffect every muscle in your body among many other things ..... it wrecks you in just about every neighborhood of your system ....


Senior Member
I share your humble opinion. GA, actually any kind of anesthesia including local (tho to a much lesseer extent, if you;re lucky), has a devastatng effect on brain function, neurotransmitters, the vagus nerve, the gut micrbiome, nicotinic and muscarinic chholinergic resceptors which dramatically afffect every muscle in your body among many other things ..... it wrecks you in just about every neighborhood of your system ....
Yes. This is my problem, but also what I know from past data about my body.