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Glutamine creating severe Brain fog

Hello all,
I used Glutamine ( 2500mg twice a day) for about 8 days to help with bowel repair after a parasite infection, and developed severe brain fog. It has persisted for weeks even after discontinuing.
I have a number of methylation snps that I suspect may be related, but am not sure. (CBS699 + - and a number of BHMT++ snps)

Has anyone else experienced this or found a way to resolve it?

Maybe the dose was too high? I hope you feel better soon! :( I had brain fog due to the same dose of Nac but it cleared up after a while...I know it's not the same thing though.


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Texas Hill Country
Hello all,
I used Glutamine ( 2500mg twice a day) for about 8 days to help with bowel repair after a parasite infection, and developed severe brain fog. It has persisted for weeks even after discontinuing.
I have a number of methylation snps that I suspect may be related, but am not sure. (CBS699 + - and a number of BHMT++ snps)

Has anyone else experienced this or found a way to resolve it?


Glutamine (and other things) caused a detox reaction for me, which I associated with mercury. It made me spacey, had difficulty concentrating, tired, etc. It is used in Phase II liver detoxification. My symptoms went away when I cut my dose, but I didn't take as much as you - I was taking 1000 mg. a day. I don't know if this is what you are going through. It also is possible that the NAC reaction Livingwithfibro had was also due to mercury toxicity.

Here's a good article about supplements which are needed for Phase I and II liver detox:

Almost anything involved in liver detoxification initially caused a detox reaction for me. I eventually became able to tolerate glutamine (as well as glycine and inositol), it seemed somehow I got rid of my mercury burden.

But I don't know if mercury toxicity has anything to do with your brain fog - I hope you get some answers!
Glutamine (and other things) caused a detox reaction for me, which I associated with mercury. It made me spacey, had difficulty concentrating, tired, etc. It is used in Phase II liver detoxification. My symptoms went away when I cut my dose, but I didn't take as much as you - I was taking 1000 mg. a day. I don't know if this is what you are going through. It also is possible that the NAC reaction Livingwithfibro had was also due to mercury toxicity.

Here's a good article about supplements which are needed for Phase I and II liver detox:

Almost anything involved in liver detoxification initially caused a detox reaction for me. I eventually became able to tolerate glutamine (as well as glycine and inositol), it seemed somehow I got rid of my mercury burden.

But I don't know if mercury toxicity has anything to do with your brain fog - I hope you get some answers!

I don't have mercury issues, well, none that I know of but I am going to take ALA frequently at a low dose every 3 hours and see if the brain fog issue clears up. If not then it's due to something else I guess. It doesn't happen on 600-1800 mg of NAC but on 2400 mg.