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Glutamine and Glutamine acid


Senior Member
Related to the excitotoxicity theory and excess glutamate (we haven't heard about this in a while, but on health rising there have been a few articles on the role of glutamate for fibromyalgia or ME), I've measured my glutamate in serum and the acid version ist high - 300 (up to 130 norm value)

Anyone else and what's been left of this theory?

I'm very severe so forgive that I can't check all content.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Anyone else and what's been left of this theory?
Yes. I've proposed the connection between glutamic acid/glutamine/glutamate sensitivity and ME for about 3 years now, mostly to the derision and/ or dismissal of other posters who can't get their heads around the possible connection, and the agreement of a few other posters who've experienced the connection first-hand.

Anyone else and what's been left of this theory?
Not sure what you mean by "what's been left of this theory" .... if you're up to it, HELP !!!!

I'm very severe so forgive that I can't check all content.
You dont have to search a lot of stuff, just go to the top of any page, and to the far right of the dark blue band, click on SEARCH. Enter 'glutamate' and see what comes up ...


Senior Member
Yes. I've proposed the connection between glutamic acid/glutamine/glutamate sensitivity and ME for about 3 years now, mostly to the derision and/ or dismissal of other posters who can't get their heads around the possible connection, and the agreement of a few other posters who've experienced the connection first-hand.

Not sure what you mean by "what's been left of this theory" .... if you're up to it, HELP !!!!

You dont have to search a lot of stuff, just go to the top of any page, and to the far right of the dark blue band, click on SEARCH. Enter 'glutamate' and see what comes up ...

Thank you.
I just meant whether science took any of that theory further...

Anyways interested in other people's measurements and whether any ME experts are checking this or interested in it


Senior Member
"Science" wont even admit that glutamate and it's bigger sister, MSG, cause any damage at all, and dismiss reactions to either as .....here's a surprize .... " ... psychosomatic reactions ...".

I wouldn't wait standing up for a answer, but good luck !!!

Well at least there have been publications related to fibromyalgia... a longer while ago