Glucose-related Diet Tactics


Senior Member
Adaptation of diet in repsonse to poor methylation?

From what I understand, the methylation problems also can result in glucose problems. Namely that our Krebs cycle can't use glucose efficiently and it gets backed up the blood. So in addition to not getting enough energy, the "extra" glucose gets stored as fat, causing some more sugar cravings in the process.

What impact would a low-carb diet have on cravings, fat storage (weight gain), and the Krebs cycle in someone with a meythlation/glutathione problem? If seems that if protein and fat are converted to glucose in the absence of enough glucose in the blood, there still might be enough of that converted glucose hanging around to be unusable by our malfunctioning Krebs cycle, and go through the fat storage cycle again. Or maybe the body (even with CFS) knows how much it needs and regulates gluconeogenesis appropriately?

Would eating small amounts of normal food throughout the day be more helpful than having normal meals, regarding the cravings and fat storage problems? Bigger meals would probably mean more glucose coming in all at once, and a larger proportion of it being unusable and stored as fat and causing cravings. So maybe eating very small amounts very frequently would be more conducive to getting glucose used effectively while not backing up in the blood?