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Getting Social Security in the US?


Senior Member

I was curious what the best way to get social security in the US? was given one course of Acyclovir after telling a doctor in Atlanta that EBV is causing CFS.

Although I l was told by this network of docs that it i wouldn't be able to qualify under social security because there is nothing physically wrong with me only mental.They doc tried to sell me glutathione injections for ebv.Then they retested and dismissed past infection as evidence.

They even put acute psychosis in medical records when complaining of EMF sensitivity contributing to CFS.

Since then I have pretty much tried to avoid cities.I camped out in my vehicle trying to avoid crowded areas before my parents donated my vehicle and I left to Mexico

I was rx'd gabapentin and Klonopin by a psychiatrist which helped some with CFS symptoms although the diagnosis was anxiety disorder.I have since left Atlanta drove cross country to California and am currently in Mexico.

I got a phone call from a lady in social security in Northern California saying they need documents in 10 days or my 2nd appeal will be closed.After getting denied in Georgia with an anxiety diagnosis I figured I try with a more liberal California.

Since my mother who lives in California is in Ethiopia and my dad works out of Atlanta.My father has my documents like activity of daily living and said he could fax it over to social security in california before the 10 days.

It has been challenging to get him the information since I dont feel very well around Cell Phones and have photosensitivity.

I am grateful for the opportunities in the US and at the same time I know that noises in cities and radiation make me to brain foggy to accomplish things.At least that's how it feels at times

Thank you
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I got a phone call from a lady in social security in Northern California saying they need documents in 10 days or my 2nd appeal will be closed.After getting denied in Georgia with an anxiety diagnosis I figured I try with a more liberal California.

No experience with filing for disability....but somebody around here must have some..plus check the threads.

Since Social Security is federal, I don't see where California would be more 'liberal".

It would appear- that one should NEVER mention EMF in the presence of a doctor or anyone taking notes.

Never mention- just about everything we might mention.


Senior Member
I applied for SS sometime ago, so whether the information is still valid, I do not know. CFS was one of the gray area diagnoses to apply for, but I have read differently with more current information. SS uses criteria to determine eligibility which would include work history, functionality, therapies tried etc. It is normal to be rejected on first application, and the reconsideration. Most cases are won at the hearing level.

Even though SS denies age as criteria, I heard from a SS lawyer that age definitely plays a role. At the time of application I was in my 30s, and he told me that it would be denied because of my age. SS looks at financial liability and of course, the older you are, the less they are paying out.

I knew a woman who worked for SS as a claims examiner and according to her, everyone is a fraud. Obviously, this is not true

There are some classifications of disability that get automatic approval such as manic depression, schizophrenia and many others.


Senior Member
It might benefit you to try testosterone therapy. If I was in Mexico that’s what I would be getting. Sometimes the psychosis can help you get disability. What part of Mexico are you in?

Thanks for the tip

Are you referring to the injections or clomid?

I am in Merida,Mexico


Senior Member
Appreciate the input everyone

Also I was curious my only diagnosis is Anxiety and applied once and was denied l.Since, I couldn't get any doctors to diagnose me with cfs when I had health insurance I haven't seen a doctor in a few months and just took Klonopin to Mexico.With my pending case in california ending in a couple weeks is it better to finish applying again under mental health?

Thank You


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
This lawyer seems to have the best advice I've found. He has numerous videos on youtube. He is very realistic about a person's chances of getting on SSI and SSDI and has videos on getting approved for things like Anxiety.

I had about 7 diagnoses on my claim including Anxiety and ME/CFS but none of them helped me to get approved at any level mainly because I did not have consistent, and more importantly, recent medical documentation. That is key. Having a good lawyer is also helpful but again they won't want to work with you if you don't have a lot of recent medical documentation because they won't feel they can win the case.

Edit: The medical documentation should also include many examples of the ways in which your diagnoses affect your daily ability to function. It's not enough to document that on the forms SSDI asks you to fill out. (I was very thorough on mine.) It has to match what your doctors are saying in the official records and if you can get your doctors to include function reports with your claim it will improve your chances of being approved.
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Senior Member
I got my anxiety under control through the use of GABA which is directly put under the tongue vs taking through the stomach route. Magnesium (as mag glycinate and mag lysinate) along with adequate b vitamins (example B6 regulates neurotransmitters) supports GABA production. I also use other nutrients that support immune and detoxification.