Getting easily startled


Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts. Highly appreciated.

For the last five days I’ve taken 300mg of thiamine (HCl) and 500mg of potassium. The symptoms I mentioned above have actually decreased a little which is really great.

Trying to get my hands on allithiamine, but it’s not available in Norway at the moment - when ordering from abroad there’s pretty big fees and taxes. Might do it either way though…


Senior Member
I don't know if my (prior) situation is relevant to this thread but I am happy to share more about. I had an insane startle reflex for several years to minor every day things like the doorbell, the phone ringing, or another person's voice/movement (if I did not see them enter the room and did not know that they were there). It would trigger an adrenaline reaction that felt like a shock to the heart and it could last for 24 to 48 hours. I cannot even explain how severe it was at that time!

It turned out that I had very high autoantibodies called Anti GAD65 and when I did IVIG (for other issues) it completely eliminated the insane startle reflex and it never returned. Anti GAD65 autoantibodies attack the enzyme that converts GABA (calming) to Glutamate (excitatory/agitating) so this actually made sense. These autoantibodies often correlate to two medical issues that I do not have (diabetes and Stiff Person Syndrome) but they can also correlate with two issues that I do have (Dysautonomia & Hashimoto's).

Very interesting case. My experience and knowledge also tell me that the reason behind all those symptoms might be connected to GABA and Glutamate imbalance.

Could you share a bit more on the IVIG procedure you had? How many of those did you get, how long it was? Did you feel better after the first one etc.?


Senior Member
Could you share a bit more on the IVIG procedure you had? How many of those did you get, how long it was? Did you feel better after the first one etc.?

I wanted to clarify that I did not have the IVIG b/c of the anti-GAD65 autoantibodies (which cause the GABA/ Glutamate imbalance). I had IVIG to treat LEMS which caused me severe muscle weakness that was weakening my lungs and also to treat my POTS & MCAS. The fact that it ended up also helping reduce the anti GAD65 autoantibodies was an additional bonus :)

I had (high dose) IVIG for two full years for autoimmunity (everything that I mentioned above). I did not feel better after the first one b/c the infusion speed was WAY too high which caused severe headache & side effects. But in the upcoming months when the infusion speed was lower (and we split each infusion cycle into a 3-day split-dose, etc), then I started to have significant improvements from IVIG.