On April 27th, top food experts around the globe are coming together to light your food–fire!
Breakthrough insights. Unknown truths. Join 24 top experts who are changing the food game!
It’s true! Among the many remarkable participants, from the comfort of your home, you can spend time with billion-dollar Dej Jam Records co-founder and good will ambassador for the UN;
Russell Simmons, food justice visionary and global voice for farmers and seed purity;
Vandana Shiva, nutrition revolutionary;
Dr. Dean Ornish and me;
Jeffrey Smith, internationally recognized author, director, speaker and IRT founder.
Monsanto and its allies spend hundreds of millions to keep you in the dark, now is your opportunity to turn on the light!
Check out the Food Revolution Summit
Learn the secret to making healthy, sustainable food readily available and AFFORDABLE.
The Food Revolution Summit starts April 27. Monsanto can’t stop us now!
Register now
Sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Take action and sign up now
Depressed by hearing about the problems and not the solutions?
Take action and sign up now
Register. Invite friends and family. Shine the light on a bright food future for all!
Take action and sign up now
I’ll be there! Join me!
I watched last year and it was wonderful. Monsanto has got to be stopped.
Yours for the food revolution,
Jeffrey M. Smith