How many of you had ADHD before developing full blown CFS/FM?
Dopmaine excites the pituitary, the master gland, to signal most of the hormones in the body. It would be a good idea if you have the money to do a genetic test on 23andme (or some place that can test ADHD genes). ADHD is real ... literally dopamine just leaks out of the membrane backwards when it should be moving forwards. Let me find the article...
I've had ADHD since a kid. I've also had frequent urination though from time to time. I don't know what preceeded what but I have heard of a urologist who attempts to restore pituitary hormones by giving people amphetamine to stimulate the pituitary by stimulating more dopamine.
I used to be one of those people that did not believe in ADHD. IT IS REAL. These scientists are showing dopamine just leaking out of the vesicles. lol Then we have some CFS docs using dopamine agonists to treat ADHD and finding low levels of dopamine in most CFS/FM patients. Could it be that they were just long undiagnosed with ADHD? Dopamine is calming and without it every stimulus hits the brain. Hormones are calming. Having a normal healthy blood volume is calming compared to being hypovolemic. In all of the cases of deficiencies of adrenaline overshoots and we have nervous exhaustion. Could it all be from a genetic predisposition to low dopamine to begin with?