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GcMAF warning?


Senior Member
has anyone heard this? its a quote from a website about Dr. Bradstreet's death:

"....the UK government issued a warning about GcMAF “after discovering that one factory producing the protein was using plasma marked, “not to be administered to humans or used in any blood products,” according to the research publication watchdog site Retraction Watch.”"

I dont want to alarm anyone....the website is probably more than a year old


Senior Member
Bad news here. In a way there's a similarity to Ampligen in that here's something that may help people but it's been in the hands of people prone to mismanagement, or worse. Unlike Ampligen, I can't imagine anything taking place anytime soon in the way of any sort of above-ground, scientifically appropriate trial. I think this report focuses on the stuff that Noakes had been using, though I'm not exactly sure. (To clarify, I'd heard some things about Noakes & his product that were far more negative than anything I'd heard about the stuff KDM was using)



Senior Member
Bad news here. In a way there's a similarity to Ampligen in that here's something that may help people but it's been in the hands of people prone to mismanagement, or worse. Unlike Ampligen, I can't imagine anything taking place anytime soon in the way of any sort of above-ground, scientifically appropriate trial. I think this report focuses on the stuff that Noakes had been using, though I'm not exactly sure. (To clarify, I'd heard some things about Noakes & his product that were far more negative than anything I'd heard about the stuff KDM was using)


Which doctors rx ampligen? is it effective?


Senior Member
That's a long, loaded subject. I think the only doctors working with it now are Dr. Peterson in Nevada, Dr. Lapp in Charlotte, and Dr. Bateman in Salt Lake City. I could be wrong on that. Ampligen seems to work very, very well for a subset of us. Nobody really knows why. It's held by a company that's dealt with terrible mismanagement problems over the years and if you want to enter the clinical trial you have to pay for the drug, and it's very, very expensive. Here's the first three places I'd look, just off the top of my head.


