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GCMAF Questions

Yes! I made 35 syringes!

But I'm doing a shot twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday), and I will increase the dose. I have a very low macrophages, I lack such a low dose.

I do not tolerate bad symptoms


Senior Member
That's the way i do it as well, twice weekly 25ng.
What's your macrophage score? I score very low too, 35% on the last test, normal is 65% to 90%.

The manufacturer of the GcMAF told me not to dilute the product, very little is left anyway in the mechanism of the insulin syringe. If anyone is interested i can post a photo of a filled syringe with 25ng GcMAF.

You might notice more inflammation in the beginning as the macrophages produce more cytokines like il-8 and other things start to shift.
Thinktank, my macrophage score 29/01/2014 is 5.5% (normal 6-13%), 5/03/2014 is 2.9%

After 1 month GcMAF - my monocytes score 5.9% (normal 3-10%) ,macrophage test will come next week.

I have a question about GcMAF.De
Have you tried this product?

This second generation purification.
Slightly cheaper.

I'm doing injections 100 nanograms per week, price is important for me.
I think that I do not need more than 100 ng - me just fine: 2 times a week for 50 ng.
Who's your doc bykerchic?
Well I was seeing Dr. Karen Bullington out of Georgia when I first started taking it and she was great. Very kind, caring and treated you like you had a brain and could use it. Then due to the cost of the phone consult visits I had to go elsewhere. I then went to a (medical professional) (and I use that term loosely) in Albuquerque, NM who knew about using Gcmaf and did the Nagalase testing and also tested me for lyme which came back positive. She seemed great at first but then when I began to ask for meds I was already on and needed or voiced my own opinion about something she didn't decide to do herself she became extremely rude. My first visit we sat in the floor???? She was very rude and disrespectful to her assistant (should of been my first clue)There was never anyone there to answer the phone, but told me to email her, then she chewed me out for emailing instead of calling after telling me to email her. Then would only answer me back by email after chewing me out for emailing her. (Seriously) She became obsessed with only treating the Lyme disease and didn't want to treat the other issues I needed addressed that were equally important to my health. I have never been treated so rudely or unprofessionally by anyone in my life. The last thing we need is that. I cried all the time because I felt so alone and things seemed hopeless as far as anyone helping me. The office is Sage Femme and I DO NOT recommend going there. Hope it's ok to post this. I don't like to put someone down in a public forum but would not wish her treatment of anyone going through the illnesses and struggles we go through and to waste their time, money and hope for help and understanding with this person. If anyone out there reading this knows of a good medical professional out there in New Mexico I would love to have their info. Good luck to all out there fighting this fight.
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I have been on GcMaf since 11/28/11. I take a very low dose due to side effects. after the first initial full dose of .25 ml I then reduced down to .1 ml once a week and stayed on that dose till 2/27/12 then reduced to 0.025 ml once a week due to high histamine causing severe allergies. I now take 0.025 ml about every 9 to 14 days. Just had labs done. My NK cells were a 9 before the GcMaf and now they are a 2 so it seems to have decreased my NK cells so don't know what that means, but it seems to have made all my virus IGG titers decrease so it is doing good things. Yeah. This is all very confusing so not sure what to think about how it works but I do feel better than I did before I started it even though at first especially, I do feel worse for a few days after taking the GcMaf and can tell which viruses it is working on. I think it might really work faster and better if I could increase my dose but just can't handle the high histamines so will keep on trucking at this snails pace. Good luck to all out there trying the GcMaf treatment.


Senior Member
Thinktank, my macrophage score 29/01/2014 is 5.5% (normal 6-13%), 5/03/2014 is 2.9%

After 1 month GcMAF - my monocytes score 5.9% (normal 3-10%) ,macrophage test will come next week.

I have a question about GcMAF.De
Have you tried this product?

This second generation purification.
Slightly cheaper.

I'm doing injections 100 nanograms per week, price is important for me.
I think that I do not need more than 100 ng - me just fine: 2 times a week for 50 ng.

No, i do not know about Gcmaf.de, also the website is "under construction". I'd stick with proven sources if i were you.
I know price is important but your health is even more so.

Have you tested your vitamin D 25 and D 1,25 di-OH?

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Well I was seeing Dr. Karen Bullington out of Georgia when I first started taking it and she was great. Very kind, caring and treated you like you had a brain and could use it. Then due to the cost of the phone consult visits I had to go elsewhere. I then went to a (medical professional) (and I use that term loosely) in Albuquerque, NM who knew about using Gcmaf and did the Nagalase testing and also tested me for lyme which came back positive. She seemed great at first but then when I began to ask for meds I was already on and needed or voiced my own opinion about something she didn't decide to do herself she became extremely rude. My first visit we sat in the floor???? She was very rude and disrespectful to her assistant (should of been my first clue)There was never anyone there to answer the phone, but told me to email her, then she chewed me out for emailing instead of calling after telling me to email her. Then would only answer me back by email after chewing me out for emailing her. (Seriously) She became obsessed with only treating the Lyme disease and didn't want to treat the other issues I needed addressed that were equally important to my health. I have never been treated so rudely or unprofessionally by anyone in my life. The last thing we need is that. I cried all the time because I felt so alone and things seemed hopeless as far as anyone helping me. The office is Sage Femme and I DO NOT recommend going there. Hope it's ok to post this. I don't like to put someone down in a public forum but would not wish her treatment of anyone going through the illnesses and struggles we go through and to waste their time, money and hope for help and understanding with this person. If anyone out there reading this knows of a good medical professional out there in New Mexico I would love to have their info. Good luck to all out there fighting this fight.
I got this from a Lyme group that i am in.
three possibilities. Martz in Colorado Springs has ALS or Lyme??? and may not be working. If he is, he may be worth seeing.

Creek Trail Medical Clinic - David C Martz MD
1935 Dominion Way, Ste 202, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

This one was on a list from 2005, so don't know if he is still there or working, but his daughter had Lyme - they are from New England.
Dr. Daniel Kinderlehrer
4 Torreon Place
Santa Fe, NM 87508

The third doctor is a woman and works in Albuquerque. She is a member of ILADS which is the international group of doctors who seriously look at and treat Lyme disease. She takes health insurance, but I don't know about Medicare. From what I am reading on her website I think she might be good, but you might want to say no to some of the alternative stuff - think and research for yourself.

Someone wrote: I just went to my new doctor.. was very impressed and happy with my 1st visit.. She is in New Mexico but soo worth the flight cost..
She has LYME down in every facet..I was there for over 4 hours.. since I got so dehydrated with airtime there.. and she spent more than her time with me.. got all my testing, orders, etc all in one visit.. WOW.. and I didnt have to educate in ANY WAY regarding lyme,symptoms, co-infections, metals, parasites, diet.. NOTHING.. she had the right answers and we were on the same page..
.. BUT best of all.. she takes ALL INSURANCE.."
Best wishes