My son has been on gcmaf since Sept. 1st of 2012, right after he turned 6 years old. He has "autism", mito disorder, Folate transport problems (diagnosed via spinal tap and has blocking antibodies to Folate in his blood), class growth hormone failure, genetic methylation issues, among a few other things. We go through Dr. Bradstreet to get pre-filled syringes of gcmaf or Goleic. He orders from David Noakes' company in the UK.
Gcmaf and the Goleic have changed my son's life, as well as our family's life. (My husband and I have one son.). We only did a Nagalase test in late 2011. My son's Nagalase level was 1.4 pre gcmaf. I do not know what it is now. My son, C, started talking for the first time in his life within weeks of starting gcmaf. He became a human being for the first time. His auditory comprehension skyrocketed. His diarrhea cleared up. He understood how to be disciplined (time outs). He understood consequences for his behaviors. My son continues to improve. We switched from injectable gcmaf to injectable Goleic in July of 2013. He is now 8.5 years old.
David Noakes has a competitor, Lesley Banks Hutchings, who used to work with Noakes. Perhaps many of you know this. Lesley started her own business. I am not sure if one of the products some of you are referring to on here is Lesley's product, MAFactive. Lesley gets the gcmaf for her spray from the lab in Switzerland. Bradstreet purchased his gcmaf and Goleic from Noakes, because he has seen the best results from that gcmaf. Hutchings is basically usmg children who have autism in order to gain backing for her product. These are my words. She sells MAFactive as long as the parents participte via surveys or something.
There is a lot of hatred between the 2 companies. Dr. B has told me that MAF active is not safe, and yet Hutchings' company seems to be able to continue sellimg her product, while Noakes has been shut down. I am no fan of David Noakes. I do not post on this site very much, but some of my posts have been about Noakes. I hope that there has been no "foul play" from Hutchings' company in this matter. I am not alluding to that being a possibility. But, when there is so much hatred between Hutchings and Noakes, one has to wonder.
For whomever posted about Noakes' company starting to use a new, unsafe ingredient, what is that ingredient? Perhaps, gcmaf did not work for some on here. It does not help with 100% of people who have autism either. (I have learned that my son has low endurance as a result of the mito disorder. He has had much higher stamina since being on a mito "cocktail"...just a side note about that.)
I have a phone consult with Dr. Bradstreet tomorrow afternoon at 2:45 CST. I will discuss other treatment options for my son at that time. The closing of the clinic has been a huge blow to the autism parents who I know whose children have had such great success on gcmaf. One girl is even in "managed recovery", meaning that the girl has recovered from "autism" as long as she remains on gcmaf.
I am horrified at the thought of my son regressing. For those of you who plan on continuing to use gcmaf, where do you plan to purchase it, or where are you purchasing it now? Thanks for any help that you can give me. I am sorry if I am telling you information that you all already know.
PS I, apparently, have given my son genetic issues wth methylation, Folate transport, and hypothyroidism. He is unvaxed in terms of childhood vaccines.