GCMAF factory closed down in the UK

I emailed FirstImmune and they stated that the charges are false.

me>I saw some posts that your lab was closed because the authorities claimed that the Gcmaf was being made from unsterile plasma. What's going on?


Dear XXX,

These claims are untrue and false, we are currently working very hard to address these issues. If you would like to contact us next week we will be able to advise you on our next dispatch date.

The GcMAF goes through a 24 step process that assures its sterility.

Kind regards

Immuno Biotech Ltd
0044 1481 722787
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
GcMAF.eu now takes you to GcMAF.se (Sweden) and says:
As this is now an information and science – only website, it is not possible to purchase GcMAF here.

So it looks like their website has been shut down too.


My son has been on gcmaf since Sept. 1st of 2012, right after he turned 6 years old. He has "autism", mito disorder, Folate transport problems (diagnosed via spinal tap and has blocking antibodies to Folate in his blood), class growth hormone failure, genetic methylation issues, among a few other things. We go through Dr. Bradstreet to get pre-filled syringes of gcmaf or Goleic. He orders from David Noakes' company in the UK.

Gcmaf and the Goleic have changed my son's life, as well as our family's life. (My husband and I have one son.). We only did a Nagalase test in late 2011. My son's Nagalase level was 1.4 pre gcmaf. I do not know what it is now. My son, C, started talking for the first time in his life within weeks of starting gcmaf. He became a human being for the first time. His auditory comprehension skyrocketed. His diarrhea cleared up. He understood how to be disciplined (time outs). He understood consequences for his behaviors. My son continues to improve. We switched from injectable gcmaf to injectable Goleic in July of 2013. He is now 8.5 years old.

David Noakes has a competitor, Lesley Banks Hutchings, who used to work with Noakes. Perhaps many of you know this. Lesley started her own business. I am not sure if one of the products some of you are referring to on here is Lesley's product, MAFactive. Lesley gets the gcmaf for her spray from the lab in Switzerland. Bradstreet purchased his gcmaf and Goleic from Noakes, because he has seen the best results from that gcmaf. Hutchings is basically usmg children who have autism in order to gain backing for her product. These are my words. She sells MAFactive as long as the parents participte via surveys or something.

There is a lot of hatred between the 2 companies. Dr. B has told me that MAF active is not safe, and yet Hutchings' company seems to be able to continue sellimg her product, while Noakes has been shut down. I am no fan of David Noakes. I do not post on this site very much, but some of my posts have been about Noakes. I hope that there has been no "foul play" from Hutchings' company in this matter. I am not alluding to that being a possibility. But, when there is so much hatred between Hutchings and Noakes, one has to wonder.

For whomever posted about Noakes' company starting to use a new, unsafe ingredient, what is that ingredient? Perhaps, gcmaf did not work for some on here. It does not help with 100% of people who have autism either. (I have learned that my son has low endurance as a result of the mito disorder. He has had much higher stamina since being on a mito "cocktail"...just a side note about that.)

I have a phone consult with Dr. Bradstreet tomorrow afternoon at 2:45 CST. I will discuss other treatment options for my son at that time. The closing of the clinic has been a huge blow to the autism parents who I know whose children have had such great success on gcmaf. One girl is even in "managed recovery", meaning that the girl has recovered from "autism" as long as she remains on gcmaf.

I am horrified at the thought of my son regressing. For those of you who plan on continuing to use gcmaf, where do you plan to purchase it, or where are you purchasing it now? Thanks for any help that you can give me. I am sorry if I am telling you information that you all already know.


PS I, apparently, have given my son genetic issues wth methylation, Folate transport, and hypothyroidism. He is unvaxed in terms of childhood vaccines.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
For whomever posted about Noakes' company starting to use a new, unsafe ingredient, what is that ingredient?

This is from the news release from a government website:
The blood plasma starting material being used to make this drug stated “Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products”.

For those of you who plan on continuing to use gcmaf, where do you plan to purchase it, or where are you purchasing it now?

I get mine from Professor De Meirleir in Belgium.


I think you go to Europe to purchase the gcmaf?

From what I understand, gcmaf comes from blood plasma, doesn't it? It is made by human livers. I do not think the blood plasma ingredient is a new ingredient. The MAFactive spray also has some type of plasma in it.

Thanks for your reply.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I think you go to Europe to purchase the gcmaf?
From what I understand, gcmaf comes from blood plasma, doesn't it? It is made by human livers. I do not think the blood plasma ingredient is a new ingredient. The MAFactive spray also has some type of plasma in it.

I originally got it from Belgium but my doctor also has it available in Reno. Your doc could get it from him, if he wished to.

The news release didn't talk about a "new ingredient" just that the blood plasma which they used was “Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products....It was concluded that the production site does not meet Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards and there are concerns over the sterility of the medicine being produced and the equipment being used. There are concerns that the product may be contaminated.”



Senior Member
Apologies, this is off topic to the thread, but are you saying your child has autism but has not been vaccinated at all ?
I haven't heard of this before, is there anywhere I can read more about this ? or people who have a similar situation.


PS I, apparently, have given my son genetic issues wth methylation, Folate transport, and hypothyroidism. He is unvaxed in terms of childhood vaccines.
GcMAF.eu now takes you to GcMAF.se (Sweden) and says:

So it looks like their website has been shut down too.

Hi Sushi,
I received a similar response just recently from FirstImmune, regarding their product being 'back in stock' I was just getting reading to make my first order when I started reading your posts. I purchased previously from the Netherlands company BGLI and was helped very much by GCMAF but since they have not yet opened up their new lab, I was going to bite the bullet and order from Noakes. What do you think, is the product safe? Do they ship product to the US in a reasonable time? Have they had trouble with customs as other companies have? Sorry for all the questions, hopefully others will read and comment, I'm 30 years with ME and rarely have the strength to post.

Thank you for any assistance, I really appreciate it

below was the mail I receieved:

On Apr 10, 2015, at 3:45 AM, info@help.vg wrote:

Dear Deborah

We are pleased to inform you that one of our distributors is shipping GcMAF/Goleic.

We have made 49 batches of Goleic in 3 years. Each batch has a Certificate of Testing for 9 tests, two of them sterility. We have 98 superb independent sterility results from Wickham Laboratories Ltd, Gosport England. In our endotoxin tests we are below 10% of permitted maximums. Our sterility has always been consistently excellent.

If you wish to order, please contact us in the usual way, and we will pass your order on.

Best wishes

First Immune
+44 1481 722787
I emailed FirstImmune and they stated that the charges are false.

me>I saw some posts that your lab was closed because the authorities claimed that the Gcmaf was being made from unsterile plasma. What's going on?

Did you decide to order from FirstImmune or do you know anyone on the list who has ordered from them recently or has been able to clear up any of the allegations against the company?

let me know,
Thank you


Dear XXX,

These claims are untrue and false, we are currently working very hard to address these issues. If you would like to contact us next week we will be able to advise you on our next dispatch date.

The GcMAF goes through a 24 step process that assures its sterility.

Kind regards

Immuno Biotech Ltd
0044 1481 722787


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
What do you think, is the product safe? Do they ship product to the US in a reasonable time?

I have no experience with their product. I only know what has been on the internet and that some US patients found that their shipping was slow and that the product arrived warm.



ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
GcMaf is a huge scam. Professor Ruggiero in Italy - who used to claim GcMaf effectiveness - got permanently banned from medical profession due to its unsafe and unethical way of operating in the medical field.

Sounds like the same old witch hunt that always seems to happen against anyone that threatens the interests of the establishment.
"If you’re not pissing someone off, you probably aren’t doing anything important."
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ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
AFAIK, there isn't any science to back the medical claims for GcMAF. Most of the studies about it's medicinal properties have been retracted not only for being poorly designed but also for conflict of interest and in one case forging a signature.

The entire pharmaceutical industry engages in fraud. Why should this group be singled out when other, larger corporations, are allowed to continue such practices without repercussions...
Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption (The New York Review of Books)

Many drugs that are assumed to be effective are probably little better than placebos, but there is no way to know because negative results are hidden. One clue was provided six years ago by four researchers who, using the Freedom of Information Act, obtained FDA reviews of every placebo-controlled clinical trial submitted for initial approval of the six most widely used antidepressant drugs approved between 1987 and 1999—Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Serzone, and Effexor. They found that on average, placebos were 80 percent as effective as the drugs. The difference between drug and placebo was so small that it was unlikely to be of any clinical significance. The results were much the same for all six drugs: all were equally ineffective. But because favorable results were published and unfavorable results buried (in this case, within the FDA), the public and the medical profession believed these drugs were potent antidepressants.

And peer reviewed studies are no better...
Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals (JRSM)

What is clear is that the forms of peer review are protean. Probably the systems of every journal and every grant giving body are different in at least some detail; and some systems are very different. There may even be some journals using the following classic system. The editor looks at the title of the paper and sends it to two friends whom the editor thinks know something about the subject. If both advise publication the editor sends it to the printers. If both advise against publication the editor rejects the paper. If the reviewers disagree the editor sends it to a third reviewer and does whatever he or she advises. This pastiche—which is not far from systems I have seen used—is little better than tossing a coin, because the level of agreement between reviewers on whether a paper should be published is little better than you'd expect by chance.


Senior Member
GcMaf is a huge scam. Professor Ruggiero in Italy - who used to claim GcMaf effectiveness - got permanently banned from medical profession due to its unsafe and unethical way of operating in the medical field.

Prof R is controversial and has had his battles but he hasn't been banned. He's more of a scientist than a clinician anyway.

Professor Ruggierio seems to still have his old job at the Uni of Florence. I can't see any sign of him being "banned" from anything. There was a dispute in 2012/13 but that blew over.

Ok, so I also got the above email that Deborah posted. I thought great I can order more but was told they only sell the Goleic, not the injectable. So, now what do I do.??? I have 2 more doses left. It did drop my nagalase from 2.95 to 2.10 after 2 months of tx. I got "worse" for a period and now I am doing better. Has anyone taken or is taking their Goleic??? Appreciate any feedback.


Senior Member
I have taken goleic, but not had my nagalase tested. According to them, it performs better than the standard gcmaf.


Senior Member

just found GcMaf on the internet.

Does it make sense to try if I have autoimmune nephritis, alopecia areata, vitiligo and unknown causes for heavy brain fog and depression?

Does it suppress my own production of Gcmaf or can it have any other side effects?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
just found GcMaf on the internet.
What kind of GcMAF and from whom?
Does it make sense to try if I have autoimmune nephritis, alopecia areata, vitiligo and unknown causes for heavy brain fog and depression?
Does it suppress my own production of Gcmaf or can it have any other side effects?
If you consider it, I'd think you would need a doctor with a lot of experience using GcMAF. It doesn't suppress you own production of GcMAF, rather by-passes the causes that disable your own production of GcMAF--as I understand it at least!
