Reglan, Gastric Emptying, Chronic EBV, and Gratitude
They gave me a small dose Reglan yesterday, in trying to determine if it would have a positive effect upon stomach emptying by increasing stomach contractions.
It may have done so, but it was difficult for me to determine with any certainty, due to the immediate side effects.
Blurred vision for the first 45 minutes after taking 2.5 mg.
Generalized confusion and inability to form and speak complete sentences without laboring.
Felt relaxed and sleepy after an hour's time. Plus, something may have been going on in my intestines, but I couldn't figure it out through the fogginess.
The side effects dissipated after three hours.
I was willing to try it again today, but the surgeon and doctor both agreed I should stop taking the medication immediately.
Instead, we're going to try to get our hands on some dromperidone, a medication only available in Canada. This medication functions the same, but it doesn't have the severe side effects because it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier.
Also, for our gastric emptying study will take place tomorrow. They are trying to determine what amount of fluid is emptying after four hours, rather than relying upon and extrapolating from the two-hour study they did last week.
One of the main reasons why they are holding off on the J tube placement, is that they are concerned about my neutropenia, and therefore my vulnerability to infection.
At least at this point, the doctors and surgeons all agree my chronic and active Epstein-Barr virus is likely the cause for my low white blood cell count, and possibly my immune dysfunction.
I am asking that they run and EBV blood panel to help determine if this may indeed be the cause for my sudden esophageal and gastric emptying problems. Basically, I'm wondering if my score increased from the 600's, and perhaps may have shot through the roof.
What they don't seem to know, and I don't seem to know either, is if the numerical value has any bearing on my physical well-being. They are attempting to make that determination before pursuing any course of action.
Thanks again to each of you for your commentary, I'm still catching up, and I still need to organize my thoughts, but the advice and recommendations seems as though they will be quite useful.
And interestingly enough, they are keeping me quite busy here… doctors, nurses and specialists parading in and out of my room.
They are highly motivated, expressing that I shouldn't have to live this way, and especially not for as long as I have.
Even if they don't solve the problem, or problems, I'm deeply appreciative of all their efforts, as well as yours too!