G.I Results Panel


Senior Member
Ok, I know this may sound a bit out of left field, but the OCD/anxiety thing makes me think about BH4. Genetic inability to synthesise BH4,, interferes with B12 transport & messes with dopamine and serotonin. Low serotonin, cos of low Bh4, leads to loss of gut motility etc.

Stress depletes BH4 massively from what I read.

Researchers are talking about BH4 in relation to bipolar and schizophrenia but perhaps milder BH4 deficiency results in anxiety and OCD?

I notice Dr Amy Yasko is all about lithium these days...and there is a relationship between lithium and BH4. I'm not sure but I think lithium up regulates BH4 genes?

It would be interesting to know who has got snps in bh4 synthesising and processing genes on their 23andme panels.
Ok, I know this may sound a bit out of left field, but the OCD/anxiety thing makes me think about BH4. Genetic inability to synthesise BH4,, interferes with B12 transport & messes with dopamine and serotonin. Low serotonin, cos of low Bh4, leads to loss of gut motility etc.

Stress depletes BH4 massively from what I read.

Researchers are talking about BH4 in relation to bipolar and schizophrenia but perhaps milder BH4 deficiency results in anxiety and OCD?

I would love to know the answer to this as well - I have mutations that all point to low tetrahydrofolate and am looking into supplementing directly with BH4. My symptoms are severe anxiety/OCD. BH4 may not be a cure, but possibly will help with any underlying BH4 process issue?