Interesting! I have been around health and nutrition my whole life. I have mainly ate Organic veggies, went through phases of juicing and making green smoothies, avoided sugar, very little bread, little fruit, and no dairy. I could go on and on but have payed with versions of that for years. My mother is even more strict than I am. She is not sick like I am but has horrible psoriasis.
Recently my mom started talking about Ray Peat and I assumed it was a variation on the same theme of diets. It is not at all!! I am eating lots of potatoes with butter and meat. (never been vegetarian). I drink Organic milk and cheese. You take Collagen (like unflavored Gelatin or a more healthy version available online) with all your meat because it is supposed to provide a more complete amino acid profile. The list of taboo things I am now eating goes on and on. It is very hard to understand. Ray Peat is an odd, brilliant man. I figure he is crazy or our "healthy" way of eating is actually killing us. He is highly against flax, fish oil etc. He doesnt like most supplements. Its worth a look but it takes a lot of research to even begin to think this theory may be valid and not just plain insane.
My mom has been on this diet for almost 2 months. She has bloody, painful psoriasis on her neck and up the back of her head. NOTHING has ever improved it in all of these years and she has done every "health program" there is. Currently, after this 2 months on the diet, her Psoriasis his half what it is. She also has a swollen, painful knee and the swelling has gone down more than half.
Fried potatoes (if in Coconut or Olive oil) and meat is a big part of my diet now. Tastes good too!! I have only been doing this for 2 weeks. I am still trying to understand it and I still struggle with "this isnt good for me" thoughts.