frequent urination leading to OI/POTS/NMH?


Senior Member

Thanks a lot for the excellent information on DI, which I did not know before.

I certainly don't have an enlarged bladder. My friends have been calling me "Peanut bladder" for decades, because I can't make it through a movie.


sensing progress

Senior Member
Tucson, AZ
So my blood osmolality test came back abnormal (high), indicating dehydration despite me drinking a lot of fluids. My doctor is going to give me a referral to an endocrinologist. Hopefully we can figure out if I'm experiencing intermittent diabetes inspidus or what.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I had my constant thirst issue which then of cause had me peeing all the time, to the point my sleep was completely disrupted as I was having to get up and peeing 5-7 times during the night, fixed by a homeopathic medicine (it amazingly got rid of the issue in only a few doses.. so now I only wake up once if that to go to the loo). I'd had that constant thirst issue, so peeing all the time for 2 years or so (and it was just getting worst and worst) before the homeopath treated me for it.

Now i only pee a lot when Im making myself drink a lot to help ward off a POTS attack and dont tend to get thirsty at all (so drinking and peeing a normal volume).

I have noticed that any fluid I have, passes throu my system very very fast. Within 10 mins anything I drink seems to have gone into my blood stream (it only takes that long to prevent POTS hitting me by drinking a lot). Within 20-30 mins of drinking.. Im peeing the volume Ive drunk out and hence then need to drink again if I need to boost my fluid volume in my body. My bladder capacity thou I know is good as overnight in the morning I pee 750ml.

I really think for some strange reasons our body cant hold onto any fluid we try to boost our blood volume with.
I have this issue too... I am on fludrocortisone but doesn't even seem like it's working. I am peeing about every hour right now. It had gotten a tad better but always seems to have issues when the time changes in early spring along with increased nerve issues... I have been on it for a year and was on desmopressin before that.. I can't tolerate adding anymore salt... I'm very sensitive to it. I get ivs twice a week. Hoping to try a new probiotic and then maybe start methyl cycle... Got extreme gut issues that I've tried to fix with no success... You can't fix the gut if you're not hydrated... it's a vicious cycle. Anyone made any progress? I have CFS but not FM. Do you need to heal gut before addressing methylation protocol?
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Senior Member
I had my constant thirst issue which then of cause had me peeing all the time, to the point my sleep was completely disrupted as I was having to get up and peeing 5-7 times during the night, fixed by a homeopathic medicine (it amazingly got rid of the issue in only a few doses.. so now I only wake up once if that to go to the loo). I'd had that constant thirst issue, so peeing all the time for 2 years or so (and it was just getting worst and worst) before the homeopath treated me for it.

Now i only pee a lot when Im making myself drink a lot to help ward off a POTS attack and dont tend to get thirsty at all (so drinking and peeing a normal volume).

Which homeopathic medicine got rid of your frequent urination?
Both me and my girlfriend have frequent urination (pyroluria). I pee excessively during the day but don't have to go at night. She on the other hand wakes up 5 times a night to pee and that disrupts her quality of sleep severely.
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Senior Member
I'd recommend starting with a hair mineral analysis. In my case I think heavy metal excretion drove up my specific gravity making it look like I was concentrating my urine but in reality a lot of heavy metals were coming out. Desmopressin is something you should all try. I think also my low thyroid binding globulin was causing an elevation in free t4 causing frequent high volume urination despite lower than desired free t3 levels. If desmopressin doesn't work combining that with fludrocortisone should.

It is far more complicated than any endocrinologist wants to believe. For example, you could have receptor resistance to ADH at the brain level but not at the kidney level causing frequent urination but normal concentration of the urine. lol. That's just one possibility and there are many. In the end a drug trial of desmopressin and fludrocortisone are necessary to solve this problem despite whatever the labs say.


Senior Member
My solution was desmopressin, fludrocortisone, and t3 monotherapy in addition to chelation for heavy metal toxicity (aluminum) verified via hair analysis. Hair analysis is the most accurate because it reflects long term excretion not just a one time urine excretion that may or may not include metals in your body.


Senior Member
frequent urination is common in diabetes and ive always felt that, probably, most me/cfs'ers have type II. type II is reckoned to be one of the most undiagnosed of illnesses and not easy to pick up. my sons grandfather only found out he had it coz he had to have a more indepth medical due to be a taxi driver. as i see it, water just goes straight through your tract and out of the bladder rather than circulating your body, lymph etc. no doubt some gets around the body but not like in healthy folk. if it circulates then alot of the water you''ve drank will be transpired as sweat, with the raise in body temperature that implies. clear urine can indicate no detox/circulayting water too, i thunks..


Senior Member
If there is no sugar in your urine as easily tested with urine test strips at home then it isn't a diabetic reaction. Very simple to test at home.


Senior Member
I just ran into this again. This time I was too mentally confused, constant brain fog and whiny, by the infection to recognize it. I suspect more people have this reaction than they or their doctors recognize.

For me frequent urination, leaking or impeded urination are all easy to miss signs that I have a uti or a kidney stone. Small stones aren't always painful so I forget to look for a uti.

They can get stuck anywhere along the urinary tract too. My last one was stuck in my urethra making it difficult but not impossible to urinate.

I'd try drinking several glasses of diluted 100% cranberry juice
1/2 water 1/2 cranberry juice as quickly as possible to see if it helps. The goal is to fill your bladder and then continue to rinse your urinary tract to remove most, all?, of the e coli. This is important.

I'll typically drink 32 oz of cranberry juice the first day then 16 on the second day. Followed by 8+ oz till symptom free.

Follow this with raw garlic or other natural antibiotics.

In my experience, doing this has stopped all urinary symptoms, including leakage within the first day or 2. Depending on the level of infection or if there's a stone stuck somewhere, treatment may take a couple of weeks before I feel healthy again. Or stones may need to be removed by other means.

I found the low oxalate diet is imperative for me. Drinking fluids helps too but eating or drinking high oxalate foods always triggers a stone. My understanding is that oxalate problems are common for anyone with leaky gut.

Tc .. x
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Cort, I can't see how the "sensitive bladder" theory works for those who mainly have this problem at night?

Ideas very welcome. My sleep is disrupted badly by this. I don't drink any fluid in the evenings if I can get away with it.
Old thread but frequent urination can also be because of high adrenaline.

Early stages of HPA Axis Dysfunction typically put people in a state of high adrenaline and noradrenaline at night


Senior Member
I urinate constantly when my body has had enough and I'm up all night like 10 times it's crazy other days I will only urinate once all day


Senior Member
Auckland, NZ
An endocrinologist has found Al has low adh and has given him the spray. The spray has helped enormously - not as thirsty so not peeing out as much , so not waking at night. He was peeing out 6.7l in 24 hours and electrolytes in the blood were abnormal . Think the dr was knocked off his chair as he was doing the tests to get me off his back . Al was severe bedbound. Today he has walked around and come up in the car to my place. We both know it may not last , like all things ME. The positive response to the spray means it's neurogenic in origin , so the endocrinologist is naturally going to do an MRI to look for pituary ir hypothalamic tumours but I doubt there will be anything there. Am trying to find David Bells book called Faces as I suspect he recorded patients response and how long it lasted in those case histories . . Also Lucinda Bateman had a poster at the last conference on this . It's amazing to see the change with just one spray each night over 4 days.