J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊♀️🙃
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I don't know if it is the quality of the video, but I do find that those who are severely ill, at least our family member, have severe pallor in the face and in the hands. I note this singer has the same colouring. Thanks for posting.
Resolving that pallor made my PEM go away:
Hi @perrier, thoughtful comment! it reminds me of my own story: while I had to take several steps to leave a fullblown diagnosed ME behind, specifically overcomming PEM was due to eliminating that pallor: I knew that B3 gives rosy cheeks. mine were deadly pale. I didn't have any real deficiency in B3, I think slightly below borderline. I am happy to check if anyone is interested in that. so I started smearing B3 on skin as I didn't tolerate any oral supplements whatsoever. I had to go extremely slow starting with small doses. the effect came only months later: my PEM was gone!! To some of you this may sound voodoo, but to the contrary:
-- B3 does absorb well transdermally: I took the probably most valid vitamin B3 test that is out there at IMD Berlin, which showed huge values, really off limits.
-- no placebo effect, because initially, I didn't even know what caused the resolution of my PEM: on a thread where we discussed this, I was still convinced, that something else, carnitine, has caused it, which I took at the same time. people told me that their experience was that B3 caused this. only by stopping carnitine, I found out later that I was wrong and they were right: stopping carnitine did not make me regress any little bit into PEM again, inspiteof having developed a deficiency. if it was a placebo effect caused by taking carnitine, then I should have lost the healing effect after stopping carnitine.
-- a few others have reported similar experiences that B3 stopped PEM in them
-- apart from simple things like that B3 is turned into NADPH and that B3 makes the immune system more fit, I could imagine something related to the brain: there was some researcher who looked into what causes pem and came up with some insights that some parts of the lower brain miscommunicate with each other. maybe I could still find it. and B3 should help with closing a leaky blood brain barrier, maybe I can still find that too if somebody really wants to know it. if we add up these two maybe it makes sense that B3 specifically stops PEM (in some people)... but my best argument is still plain simply that some other people have reported the same experience about B3
-- on B3, I was able to complete Wim Hof training (see those many fun YouTube videos). Pursuing this vvvvery slowly and incrementally over a year then gave me a boost in mental and bodily fitness, so I am now able to sprint up all the floors of the house with a 20 kg weight in my hands, and no regrets whatsoever next day. ... so no, I do not have any PEM anymore
-- yeah, and I have those desired happy rosy cheeks
... so, is looking a bit better a silly pursuit while facing a grave disease like ME? maybe not after all, but I was simply lucky having stumbled over something that actually works for PEM.
(unfortunately, most of the day I am still lying in bed due to severe POTS.... mama help me... )
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