Formication/itching/red spots/bugs


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I get this sometimes, usually after a bad crash or the flu vaccine or maybe after a bad virus. It goes on for a few weeks and then stops. Never really figured it out but I become hyper sensitive to dust mites for a time and just itchy all over. You could try getting Allegra from your doctor: and see if it calms down. My mother takes that for more or less the exact same symptoms, intense itching which goes along with dry patches, which bleed if she itches a lot. She's had issues with itchy skin forever, but she doesn't exclude wheat which probably sets her off - she more or less confirmed that 2 decades ago.

Anyway that might help possibly.


Senior Member
My burning mouth has been with me for a long time, after thyroidectomy it startet. It is neurological in nature, very unpredictable, to me.

Did the docs remove the 4 parathyroid glands when they removed your thyroid ? This commonly happens.
I'm surprised they didn't check or warn, you may have Hypoparathyroidism.

One of the possible causes of Hypoparathyroidism ;

"Physical assessment also includes asking a patient about a previous neck surgery, particularly thyroid surgery, or looking to identify a scar indicating such surgery. Neck surgery — as well as cancer radiation treatment to the neck or face — is known to be one of the causes of acquired hypoparathyroidism, as it can damage the parathyroid glands."

Here's a good article, covers symptoms, signs, treatment , extensive list of symptoms ;

Typical blood test results in hypoparathyroidism:
  • Low serum calcium.
  • High serum phosphate.
  • Low PTH.
  • Normal alkaline phosphatase.
symptoms ;

This is essentially with the symptoms of hypocalcaemia. Hypocalcaemia typically presents as perioral numbness, paresthesia, neurocognitive deficits, weakness and carpopedal muscle spasms. Life-threatening complications, such as cardiac arrhythmias, laryngeal spasm, tetany and seizures, can also occur[9].
Hypocalcaemia may be an asymptomatic laboratory finding or a life-threatening metabolic disturbance[10]. Symptoms include:
  • Muscle pains.
  • Bone pain: bone turnover is abnormally low and bone mineral density is typically increased[11].
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Paraesthesiae (tingling, vibrating, burning and numbness) of the face, fingers and toes.
  • Facial twitching.
  • Carpopedal spasm.
  • Stridor.
  • Convulsions (usually grand mal).
  • Syncope.
  • Emotional lability, anxiety and depression, confusion.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Lethargy
    • Headaches.
    • Brittle nails.
    • Dry hair and skin.
    • Painful menstruation.

  • Clinical signs
    • Chvostek's sign: detects latent tetany:
      • Tapping of the fifth facial nerve in front of the ear with the patient's mouth slightly open causes contraction of the facial muscles.
      • Not specific, as about 25% of the normal population have a positive response.
    • Trousseau's sign: occlude the arterial circulation of the forearm, using a blood pressure cuff inflated to the systolic blood pressure for three minutes. Carpopedal spasm is induced.
    • Raised intracranial pressure with papilloedema.
    • Cataracts.
    • Dental abnormalities and enamel dysplasia.
    • Brittle nails with transverse grooves.
    • Dry, rough skin.
    • Hyperreflexia

Florida Guy

Senior Member
I get itching a lot, the causes seem to vary from dry skin to possible psoriasis to... who knows what? I'm trying to cut back on histamine containing foods and that helps some I think. I have had the feeling of something walking on my skin. I look and nothing is there but it keeps on like an invisible bug or as OP said, bugs under the skin. Fortunately I dont get it that much

I have had neurological symptoms in legs going back many years. It seems to be genetic since a cousin has it too. I found that l glutamine helps a lot. I can't say it will help for this or not but it doesn't hurt to mention and if you want to try it, its fairly cheap. I would take a teaspoon full every day and that fixed the symptoms which in my case were pain running down the sciatica, it would run to the bottom of the foot and give intense itching there. I take about 1/2 tsp per day most days now to prevent it coming back. I haven't felt any bugs since daily use, for what its worth. If your symptoms are neurological in part, then this may help. I tried a hundred things before finding what works

The chinese herbs mentioned may do the same thing. Keep trying things and something will help