Was just wondering if anyone gets this symptom with CFS. It's common in all the subsets of POTS/OI I find. I will post a few excerpts from a POTS support group forum about it. If it rings a bell then I'd be interested in finding out how common it is in CFS and how frequently people get it. This is a specific breathing issue that seems nerve/brain related and not mechanical, so it may be hard to understand but maybe these excerpts will help.
Was just wondering if anyone gets this symptom with CFS. It's common in all the subsets of POTS/OI I find. I will post a few excerpts from a POTS support group forum about it. If it rings a bell then I'd be interested in finding out how common it is in CFS and how frequently people get it. This is a specific breathing issue that seems nerve/brain related and not mechanical, so it may be hard to understand but maybe these excerpts will help.
It is almost like the impulse to breath that one would usually feel is gone. I get no sensation when I breath in or out like I used to. There is no pleasure or drive or sensation there to tell me to breathe. So when I am consciously focused on my breathing its almost like I could "forget" to breathe. Is this what you guys experienced?
I have gotten this a few times before (I think) but nothing for this long and I never felt this weak and sick before. I feel very ill and this sensation (or lack of one) is proving very very disturbing when I try to get to sleep. I keep waking up after a few seconds of dreaming with a smothering/suffocating feeling. In the day I can try and distract myself from it a lot. The evenings I can't very well and then at night it is impossible to ignore and I get very little sleep. The few times I've gotten sleep the last few days were when I fell asleep due to exhaustion. I can't sleep normally anymore.
I know that I have read about people having breathing problems with POTS, I am just wondering what kind of breathing problems? Is it normal to feel like one has completely forgot how to breathe? Is it possible to stop breathing with POTS/due to POTS?
I keep feeling like I cannot remember how to breathe and have to manually inhale and exhale, which gets me all messed up because I either breathe too fast or too slow. My lungs feel like they don't know how to expand enough to get the air that I do inhale. It's such a strange, scary sensation. It's much worse when I am lying down, and I notice my hr drops to high 40's, low 50's, and my bp the other night when I checked while this was happening, was 93/55.
Is this a normal POTS thing? It has gotten worse over the past couple of weeks. I have felt like I should probably go to the ER, but then again, they would probably say it's anxiety and send me home with an outrageous bill!
I woke up with a jump at 4am today, and I felt like I had not been breathing. I had to sit up in bed and take very deep breaths for a long time. Then I was scared to fall back asleep. I can tell that this is not a structural problem with my lungs because I am capable of breathing. It just seems that my body isforgettingto breath or something!! I am going to TRY to get ahold of Dr. Low this week... hopefully he will have some tips.
If anyone has experienced this and can give me some pointers, please do. Thanks so much!!
I have nonstop problems with air hunger and also with "forgetting" tobreathe. I also have what I'd call restriction in my chest, which makes it feel like my lungs cannot expand. This all began when my POTS began. There is no test that picks up any abnormalities with my lungs or otherwise, so I have been dealing with it on my own for the last 2 years.
Sadly, nothing really helps, except sometimes if I lay down I feel my breathing is slower and more relaxed. But it still feels restricted. For you, this may be an episodic thing -- maybe it will come during times of stress or when you're having a flareup of symptoms.
Hey everybody. I got so many responses on my eye problems I thought I would throw this out there too. Since last summer I have had a hard time breathing on and off. Some days it feels like my body is not breathing on its own. Other times I literally feel suffocated. This is unrelated to bp or heart rate.
Difficulty with breathing is my scariest symptom. This is not a problem with obstruction or heart/lung functioning (although early on I was convinced it hadto be heart/lung related.). I suspect this is a central nervous system issue with two specific symptoms:
1. I will forgettobreathe, realize it, then have to consciously breathe for a period of time (usually 1-30 minutes) where the majority of my thought process is focused on taking my next breath.
2. I feel I'm not getting enough oxygen when I breathe. Although my pulse odometer shows normal readings (as mentioned above) my body feels starved for oxygen. This feels like I'm dying and I have to keep telling myself, "this is just Dysautonomia. I'm not dying. I will be ok.
I find this happens when either I'm having a bad reaction to a medicine or chemical exposure or when I'm having a particularly bad sympathetic nervous system crash.
Yep. Every day/week brings fun new groups of odd bodily sensations for me to deal with: difficulty swallowing and breathing (both 'forgetting' to breathe & a constricted feeling), heart palpitations, adrenaline surges, numbness, electrical vibrations, the air touching my skin burns, I can't tell hot from cold ... and one of the weirdest: feeling like my cell's on vibrate and I'm sitting on it. I can assure you it's not as enjoyable as it sounds.
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