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For folks in New Mexico...tilt-table testing is now available in-state.


I've been corresponding with a Long Covid patient in New Mexico. It's been interesting to see how services are being developed here that were not available in the recent past. I know many people in New Mexico have had to go out of state to get tilt-table testing. It is now available in-state at New Mexico Heart Institute at Lovelace Medical Center. 502 Elm St NE, 3rd Flr, Albuquerque, NM. I don't know how long it has been here, but if you have a doctor and need a referral...they may not even know it's now possible here...so mention it, especially so they also know for future patients that might have orthostatic issues. I wish the testing was in neurology and not cardiology, because there are so many additional neurological factors that should be tested and considered...but this is a start.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I wish the testing was in neurology and not cardiology, because there are so many additional neurological factors that should be tested and considered...but this is a start.
It is good to know that it is available but I am not sure how it would work at this hospital. When I had a tilt table test it was designed, administered and analyzed by an autonomic specialist. So at Lovelace, who administers and analyzes your test? A TTT is not a standard test like a blood test with simple a positive or a negative—it can be designed in different ways and needs expert analysis by a doctor who understands the autonomic nervous system. The test I had includes 6 different sections and each part was analyzed, beat by beat, with the ongoing ECG. Great that they have a tilt table but you also need a specialist. Do you know how this works Diwi9?


Do you know how this works Diwi9?
I don't! I shared the same concerns you have with the person with Long Covid who told me about their appointment. Hopefully if they are not already set up for more autonomic testing, they will evolve...but it's in a cardiac group, not a neurology group, so who knows? Why are we more informed than industry professionals?