food sensitivity (especially to grains) - how to resolve?

Interesting, after I eat gluten I feel worse. But then if I wait a little longer, I do feel a little high. Seems like the food is causing an increase in sympathetic activity. Argh I wish I could just eat normally and feel no symptoms like most people, even though they eat all sorts of fast food junk food.

Well, here's the thing - I have tested to have that IgG that indicates celiac disease (but a scope showed I do not have celiac disease). Immediately after eating wheat it would cause depression and joint pain. But not just wheat - anything with gluten - andthere is gluten in WAY more things than you think - it is used to keep sticks of gum from sticking together - you'll find it in canned vegetables - why the HECK would it be there? - and even in alcoholic beverages - so if you have one of those to relax - forget it, you just blew your evening.

But I found without eating gluten I was not getting enough carbohydrate and it was causing me to get low blood sugar attacks just from walking between building at work to get to meetings. I reasoned that low blood sugar was going to ruin my eyes and internal organs so that it would be BETTER to eat wheat.

I decided that the problem must be LEAKY GUT as it allows absorption of undigested wheat which is known to be particularly nasty and cause neural problems. I read that zinc "closes the crevices in the nose" through which cold germs enter, figured the intestines are skin too, and to make the pores of the intestines smaller I took zinc. I did also recover from wheat sensitivity.

At the same time I have to say I was working incredible hours and eating out of machines. At the time I started taking zinc I also made an effort to take the time to eat better. So I can't really say anything except that - under stress and poor diet, it was bad - with diet improved and extra zinc - it was ok.

I did note that digestive enzymes were of some help. The thing is to get the wheat digested before it is absorbed. However you do it is up to you.



Senior Member
Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker talks about the idea that toxic mold exposures can trigger people into getting gluten reactivities (not the same thing as celiac disease -- in some cases, it's much worse).

Trichothocenes, for instance, cause destruction of the gut lining and perforations in the blood-brain barrier. Both of these things cause people to become sensitive to gluten, by removing the barriers that are supposed to keep it in the digestive tract and out of the brain.

Someone who has sensitivities to gluten that manifest just as gut problems conceivably may just be having problems with the gluten. But if people's sensitivities manifest neurologically, it may be that there is a deeper issue, such as mold toxicity, involved.

My own gluten reactivities have gotten much worse when living in a bad environment and when aggressively detoxing. Being out of a bad environment can help.

I imagine that anything that will help the gluten to break down so that the body doesn't see it as foreign (e.g. enzymes that digest gluten) would be somewhat helpful here.

The idea that zinc might be helpful is interesting.

In general, I'm moving more toward the idea that even if people aren't reactive to gluten, they'd be better off not eating it. In general, grains seem more like filler foods, to feed the masses. Fruits and vegetables are much more nutrient dense and thus perhaps a better choice.

Best, Lisa


Senior Member


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I started a thread called "fried patato and meat diet":
I am very enthusiastic about it but it's not sustainable.
I am running on the theory that when food undergoes excessive heat this denatures it in some way that makes it less conducive to giving adverse reactions. All theory at this point though. Only been doing this since january.
I've just now switched to baking foods at super high temperatures for longer than normal and although I still get tired after eating I have no long lasting much worse re activities that make you feel like you were poisoned and last a day or so.
Sweet patatos, regular patatoes, alternative grains. Also fry them in a pan with some oil or butter same thing no major reaction.

I suggest for 5 days eat nothing but french fries and meat and water. No fruit juice! no vetibles! no fruit, no rice, no grains, etc. You can drink some soda if you need to keep your sugar level up. If you notice a dramatic drop in your reactivity than maybe there might be something to my theory and I'm not just fooling myself. You mention all the alternative grains, try buying a box of these crackers:
If you don't experience the same type of reactivity that you do when you prepare these products yourself (I assume you boil them) this might lend credibility to my theory. Again the higher tempertures used to prepare these items I'm guessing denature the substances were reacting too. There loaded with things you might ordinarly beleive to give you problems:
brown rice flour, quinoa seeds, soluble corn fiber, flax seeds amaranth seeds, chia sees, tamari soy sauce, powder.
Robert Christ


Senior Member
Amalgam Fillings: Not as of 4/14/11
Protocol: Frequent dose oral chelation, DMSA + ALA q 3hrs, around the clock, every day. It has become a part of my life, and it gets easier as the body/brain burden diminishes and the hormone and mineral transport derangement normalizes.

Notwithstanding the fact that I cannot set aside my inherent predilection for this therapy and avoid some projection of my own experiences on others, the scale and scope of the biochemical problems caused by an excessive burden of Hg are nearly endless. I would strongly urge others to challenge their assumptions about heavy metals, and re-visit this possibility, particularly if you have known toxicity and have benefited, to some degree, from methylation supplements. Frequent, low dose oral chelation is not expensive or dangerous, but it does require the removal of an acute exposure such as amalgalms, which I realize can be cost prohibitive.

In my case, half of a molar tooth is amalgam with no crown. What are my options if I want to replace a filling like this?