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Food allergy test


Senior Member
Is there any value to a food allergy test, especially when it is done by an HMO doc?I really want to avoid it if it is going to turn out to be another useless test.Thanks.


Senior Member
My experience with allergy testing by most MD's is that they only consider IgE to be a true allergy, and they discount IgG as an allergy, and often don't even test for it. I have had two gastroenterologists tell me that although I have an IgG to gliadin (one of the molecules in gluten), that I don't have an allergy to gluten.

If the only thing your being tested for is IgE to foods, I expect you would already know you had this type of allergy. It is like an anaphalactic response to peanuts...etc. Unless s/he is doing a full panel that includes IgG antibody testing, I would think it is possibly a waste of time and money. So I would get details on what the test actually looks at in order to better evaluate it.